Colorectal Cancer: Can Diet and Herbs Out-chemotherapy?

In this part of the world I live in, patients with cancer often say that they (chemotherapy sometimes must undergo radiation therapy) after their operations because they would otherwise die. That is the perception of a "civilized" here. But after reading the medical literature on this topic, it came as a shock to know that we do not necessarily die if we do not undergoing chemotherapy. The perception I had then, without chemotherapy, colonDie Cancer patients would - if not all of them, at least a large majority of them. But the research data does not support that perception. Allow me two research papers for your reading.

Dr. Charles Moertel and colleagues from the famous Mayo Clinic, advocates the use of 5-FU + levamisole for colorectal patients. They showed that this brew is more effective than the use of 5-FU alone. Based on data from 929 patients with stage 3 colon cancer, they put theirReport in the Annals of Internal Medicine, 1 March 1995, Vol 122: 321-326 (fluorouracil plus levamisole as effective adjuvant therapy after resection of stage III colon carcinoma:) A final report as follows:

1. Of the 315 patients not receiving chemotherapy, 177 of them, namely 56%, suffered relapse.

2. Of the 304 patients who received chemotherapy, only 119 or 39%, suffered relapse.

3. Of the 315 patients who received chemotherapy 168of them, ie 53.3%, died.

4. Obtained from the 304 patients receiving chemotherapy, 121 or 39.8%, died.

5. The side effects of fluorouracil plus levamisole were: nausea, rarely vomiting, stomatitis, diarrhea, dermatitis, fatigue, occasional mild alopecia and neurotoxicity.

6. About half of the patients had hematologic depression, which was generally limited to mild leucopenia.

7. Forty percent of patients had liver function tests outside the standard results in the coursetherapy. Its toxicity was reflected in increased alkaline phosphatase (equivalent to about 7 months reached after the start of therapy), causes increased aminotransferase (AST) levels and increased serum bilirubin in addition to fatty liver.

From the above data it is clear that chemotherapy reduced again reduced by 17% and the death of 13.5%, but not without side effects, which are often dismissed as insignificant.

Similarly Wolmark et al. (Post-operative adjuvant chemotherapyor BCG for colon cancer: results from NSABP C-01 protocol. J. National Cancer Inst 1988th Vol: 80:30-36), showed that a mixture of 5-FU have semustine vincristine + + a good job. Let's look at the data presented:

A total of 1166 patients, the operation for B and C were subjected to Duke's colorectal cancer were divided into 3 groups and in view of the above treatments. The results of the study were as follows:

1. 59% of those who underwentSurgery only (as a control group) survived for 5 years.

2. 67% of those receiving the 5-FU + vincristine + semutine obtained after 5 years.

The results show that the use of 5-FU + vincristine + semustine after surgery for Duke's B and C colon cancer increased 5-year survival rate of charge. Leukemia was in 3 of 479 patients who had received the semustine observed.

Note that the real benefit of chemotherapy is shown in this study at 8% of thePatients only. Even after 5 years, 59% of patients were still alive, even without chemotherapy. The question that we would like to ask is: "what if they undergo chemotherapy?" I expect that almost all living or a large majority of them at the end of five years. No, the data shows only 67% of them survived. This is yet another shocking truth - even if it points to the chemotherapy, research finds that 33% of dying patients were still undergoing bowel cancer.

A doctor said hisPatients taking herbs and always a question of luck. Well, what is chemotherapy? Chemotherapy patients may need as much luck?

The difference of five-year survival rate between chemotherapy and no chemotherapy group is only 8% and 13.5% (on the work at the Mayo Clinic is based). Chemotherapy has proven to be only a narrow margin of advantage. In fact, from the scientific point of view, the result is not statistically significant. This would please the statisticians and scientists, but I am notsure if it pleases on all cancer patients. I believe this is not looking for it, (what patients, especially in poor developing countries). Are you looking for a real cure (no MEDISAL CURE is not!). If this is not possible, at least, they expect a much greater chance of achieving it. I wonder if 8% or 13.5% benefit is good enough?

Chemotherapy causes severe side effects in most patients. It is not like an "ant-bite", as an oncologist would tell in some patients. Withonly 8% or 13.5% difference, it is worth playing?

A question comes to mind: Can this slim margin of 8% and 13.5% not from any other non-invasive or non-toxic agents to achieve? For example, it will ever happen, to people only through a change of diet or taking herbs, maybe we can increase our chances of colon cancer cure and the result could be better than chemotherapy? In my future articles I will present several case studies that in fact this showHypothesis is valid and merit - Herbs and changes in diet and lifestyle can prolong meaningful survival better than chemotherapy!

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