Know what the symptoms of breast cancer

Today, when breast cancer is actually in an early stage of development, more and more women are diagnosed now actually survive if this deadly disease. There are many signs of breast cancer and in some cases, can be the woman who realizes something is wrong.

Observed in most cases the first symptom being a woman is that they are discovering a piece in her chest. Although in some cases, the disease can be extremely deadly in mostHis cases (9 of 10 to be exact), the node is a woman, is actually harmless. This means that it is not actually cancer in general.

The most common forms of benign a woman is likely to suffer and are often mistaken for his breast cysts and fibroadenoma. Although a woman of this can be in any stage of their lives, they suffer more frequent when a woman reaches the age of 35 or beyond.

However, if you start, some evidenceChanges in the breast who have not been there then it would be advisable to seek medical advice. The nature of the changes that are often a prelude to a woman suffering from breast cancer may be as follows: --

1. A lump has been found, or there is a thickening of a part of the breast that was not there before. The size or shape of the breast has changed, or is it now bumps (similar in appearance of an orange skin) to the breast skin.

2. A change has occurredthe shape of your nipple. So if you suddenly discover that you have in depressions or in the breast or has an irregular shape it is advisable to seek medical help. Or, if you notice that your nipple has started to discharge any kind of fluid, especially if it is stained by blood.

3. Another symptom you may be suffering from breast cancer is that there is a rash that began either the nipple or surrounding area.

4. If, after conducting aBreast self-examination you find a piece on the chest, either by themselves or in the armpits, it is advisable that you seek medical attention as soon as possible.

What's for you is important to remember that although the above symptoms may be a sign of you suffering from breast cancer can have another disease, they might cause. Therefore, if you at any time after carrying out a breast examination should be for yourself, try to worrymedical advice as soon as possible.

Certainly, the early symptoms of breast cancer can be diagnosed then the first treatment can be started. Providing you with a much higher chance of surviving in fact, represents what was once a major killer of women in the world a few years ago are available.

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