Colon cancer symptoms, you should know
Many people find each year that the colon or colon cancer. For this reason it is important to always know the major signs and symptoms, especially if you have a high risk of developing the disease. Although the colon cancer symptoms do not always be obvious, these decisive evidence that your life can be extended to help. The sooner they are detected, the greater your chances for survival.
Who is at risk
Anyone canTo develop colon cancer. Both men and women are equally possible candidates contracting this disease. However, there are some people who are more at risk than others in particular.
Although young people can also develop this cancer, who are 50 years old and have a greater risk. This is why people are recommended for this age group often by their doctors to undergo colorectal cancer in regular intervals.
It is also quite possible that theCondition may in the family. Those who are relatives or family members who may have had this disease and the risk of developing the disease.
Sometimes, however, the risk for colon cancer caused by certain lifestyle factors are increased. Smokers, for example, is a number, an offender who is involved in a number of other conditions of cancer. Besides smoking, which is a largely sedentary lifestyle and eating too many foods that are high in trans and saturated fats can also help run closer to colon cancer.
Some people have a higher risk if they were diagnosed with certain conditions. Obese people and those who have diabetes, for example, as "people in danger." Those who had polyps, and certain intestinal diseases or disorders also be in danger.
The above risk factors are not absolute. Even people who may not be able to still develop colon cancer. For this reason, it pays to know what colonCancer can manifest symptoms of the condition.
Signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer
There are times when people just show very slight symptoms. Sometimes the bowel cancer symptoms can vary so that there seems to be no symptoms at all. This is why some people are diagnosed with cancer of the large intestine in an advanced stage can be. In any case, sensitive, even mild symptomsmay already be an indication of the state. Attention is important if colon cancer is to be detected and treated early.
A person who is a developing country of the colon or bowel cancer condition itself is often tired. You may also experience increased abdominal cramps, gassiness or even a slight stomach ache. Stool consistency and stool frequency may eventually change. Sometimes though blood may appear in the stool, this can alsoSign of another condition.
You can never be too sure of himself. You should always consider seeing a specialist if the symptoms and if you are particularly at risk. At the age of 50 you should be done at regular screenings, even if you have no risk and no symptoms. Colorectal cancer is the easiest in the early stages so treated ever before to find out whether you have it, and can improve any of the symptoms of colorectal cancer, the recognizefor you.
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