Breast cancer symptoms
When breast cancer first develops, there could be no symptoms and are sometimes the only visible sign when the cancer has grown to an unmanageable size.
A method to determine whether a person has breast cancer, check for the node. It can be difficult to verify whether a node for breast cancer because a woman breast tends to be lumpy and tender before it goes through its monthly cycle. Experiencing painthe breast does not necessarily mean that a person, and breast cancer. Benign tumor cells can cause pain, but they are not life threatening. The best way to determine whether it is a condition, consult a physician.
Looking for signs for personal protection against breast cancer are: if there is a sudden change in sensation in the nipple, checking for the sensitivity of the nipple, if there is a sudden change in the appearance of the breast orNipple if the nipple to the inside in the chest when you do a piece on the chest or armpit area Note if the skin on the breast or nipple, areola, red, scaly and swollen, and appear to look like an orange peel, or if it liquid effluents or bleeding in the nipple.
This is usually the first sign, if a person has breast cancer. Whether it's a male or female patient, he may experience a lump in her breast when he acquires theDisease.
Once a piece is not guaranteed that a person has cancer. 9 of 10 patients, found the lump in her breast was found that these cells were benign, ie they are non-fatal cancer cells. Even if the person, nipples, traces of blood or fluid discharge from the nipple is inverted or rashes, it can mean , all other things. The best way is to check the existence of the condition to obtain it, professional medical opinion.
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