Cancer can be undercut - The Big C word
Everything about the "Big C" word - cancer
Cancer is one of our most serious diseases that affect a person, whether young or old, rich or poor, black or white, fat or thin, no matter what your status in life. Get your mind right and focus on beating each other, the big C. noticed the early signs of cancer have an excellent recovery rate. Most cancer at early stages are taken may be fought and cured.
Remember: It's not your fault that youof cancer. There is ongoing research and development related to cancer as a disease. Improved treatment and medication. Never mind for a Better You. Keep in mind that cancer is a disease is very complicated because there are more than 150 different types of cancer. Reletively Some cancers are easily recognized and treated, sometimes increased by 100%. There are other types of cancer, which spread quickly through the body and can not be cured. In countries where there is avery large number of ultraviolet radiation, such as in South Africa and other countries around the world have a high degree of contact with human skin cancer.
In most cases, women are more susceptible to breast cancer than men, but it is a known fact that a large percentage of the male population that contracts from breast cancer as well. It is therefore important to do that both men and women of a normal search, so they know their breasts and then it willbe easier to detect a difference or a fixed amount.
The main cancers' s are given by women cancers of breast, cervical and col are rectrum. For men, it is common for them to lung, prostate and esophageal cancer.
Of course there are triggers that things can spread along. Factors such as lifestyle, genetics, environment and nutrition play a role in increasing your risk for contracting cancer of the s. "comprises Sometimes there is a non -known cause, no family, good food and eating habits, it just happens. There are only a few know lifestyle do's and don'ts that can help you change to survive cancer and also to a better contact if you are doing to cancer.
Drink plenty of fresh water
Cover up and always with the highest sunscreen lotion available.
Eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily.
Regular exercise
Give up smoking
LimitTheir alcohol consumption to one portion per day
Reduce your intake of red meat in front of your
Do regular self-examinations and self-control
Do you have a regular medical examination and screening
Try to stay away from over processed food, junk food and food that is high in animal fats
Although it is not complete by any means and added to the list of the everyday are the warning signs only guides, perhaps a wake-up call for you and me. These symptoms may be signs of other diseases. The best if youGet medical help immediately suspected something.
I lost a beloved sister-in breast cancer because she was afraid to go and confirmed her suspicions. She was too late. She left back three beautiful daughters. Let not this happen to you. Do not do that to your family. Treat yourself to a fighting change. Please!
Some op the early warning signs of cancer:
You have indigestion or difficulty swallowing
Vomiting orNausea
Her voice is hoarse
You have a cough that will not go away
They smoke
You have a change in bowel or bladder action
Changes in warts or moles
You have unusual bleeding or discharge from anywhere in the body.
If you have a lump anywhere on the body
You might also be an indication of thickening in the chest, neck, under the armpits or anywhere else on your body
They feel just not right. Remember, no oneknow how you do your body. Get a second or third opinion if you feel that something is wrong.
Please, you owe it to yourself first, and secondly, to your family, even checked out. It is better to have a little paranoid and stop cancer in its early stage, that to act mucho or fear, and let your loved ones behind.
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