Natural health therapies and cancer - Part One
Cancer. The word itself is alarming. It sounds like a death sentence. In many cases it is. But it need not necessarily be so. The topic of cancer is so great that we take at least three or four articles is to respond only to some extent on the main points. Like any other disease, the more you know about it, the better you will cope in a position to. For example, how much you have about your own health problems before they affect your life personally?What would you have done differently in your life if you knew that it would prevent the problem? Would they have been willing to make the changes? I can imagine that you would. You have the possibility of cancer. In a series of articles we are not only the natural health therapies for cancer, but prevent the changes in lifestyle that cancer as well.
The increase in the rate of cancer is astounding. One hundred years ago, 1 in 33 personsHad cancer, today 1 in 3 people either cancer or it will develop. Statistics show that life in America has died of cancer, all of 45 seconds. There is no other issue in medicine, that this emergency. So just what is cancer? Basically, it's gone Nature "overboard." Healthy cells are more properly for a variety of reasons, and then begin to reproduce damaged copies of itself. The natural process of multiplying cells is acceleratedas this new mutated cells are not regulated by the usual checks of the body. In addition, the lifespan of these cells is controlled is not, which means that cancer cells become virtually immortal.
There are types and stages of cancer. Of the 150 different types of cancer, there are 5 major groups:
• cancer - solid tumors from the cells in the surface of the mouth, nose, throat, lungs, respiratory tract, skin, GI tract, GU tract, breast and thyroid.Lung, prostate, stomach, skin, colon and breast cancers are this type.
• Sarcoma - solid tumor of bone, fat and other soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, stomach, heart, central nervous system and blood vessels. These are the rarest and most dangerous of solid tumors.
• leukemia - a blood-borne cancer by an abnormal production of white blood cells from.
• Lymphoma - solid masses of abnormal white blood cellsconcentrated in the lymphatic system. Examples of this type of cancer, including Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
• myeloma - a rare cancer of antibody-producing cells in the bone marrow or blood-producing regions.
Cancer is often of what phase it is in. Staging described in cancer patients on a scale refers to the amount of cancer to determine its location, size and degree of containment. The four different levels listed below describethe stages of cancer.
• Stage I - at the earliest curable stage. Local tumor only.
• Stage II - some spread of cancer to surrounding tissue and possibly nearby lymph nodes.
• Stage III - involves dissemination to distant lymph nodes
• Level IV will be - modern, easily cured at least. Cancer has spread to distant organs.
Why do some people get cancer and others do not? What is the trigger that this ishealthy cells in mutants? What causes cancer? There are at least 33 contributing causes, according to various researchers. Each of these factors could provide an article in itself so I just you with the list for today. With this information, you can easily expand this research to contribute to your article of cancer knowledge. The factors that may contribute to cancer are:
1. Sunlight
2. Nuclear Radiation
3. Pesticide / herbicideResidues
4. Industrial toxins
5. Polluted water
6. Tobacco and Smoking
7. Chronic Electromagnetic Field Exposure
8. Hormone treatments
9. Immuno-suppressive drugs
10. Irradiated food
11. Food Additives
12. Mercury Toxicity
13. Dental Factors
14. Chronic stress
15. Depressed thyroid action
16. Gastrointestinal toxicity and impairment
17. Parasites
18. Viruses
19.Diet and malnutrition
20. Nerve interference fields
21. Toxic Emotions
22. Blocked roads Detoxification
23. Chlorine water
24. Fluoridated water
25. Ionizing Radiation
26. Geopathogenic
27. Sick Building Syndrome
28. Free Radicals
29. Cellular hypoxia
30. Cellular Terrain
31. Oncogenes
32. Genetic predisposition
33. Miasma
Now that we have abe little background on cancer, we begin, a broad range of clinically proven natural health therapies, which can cover helpful to people with various forms of cancer. Each of these types of complementary medicine has to review a wealth of scientific research available, thanks to the ongoing research by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In addition, each of the currently available therapies by physicians with outstanding medical backgrounds. TheBottom line is that all the cancer treatments I have that are discussed in the next few articles are valid and have been documented in the scientific literature.
In the next article we will be helping us explore the use of the following methods for the treatment of cancer through scientific evidence:
• Nutrition - diet and anti-cancer food
• Anti-Cancer Herbal Supplements
• Innovative anti-cancerSubstances
• Support Physical therapy - Detoxification, Biological Dentistry, water therapy, heat therapy, Bodywork / Therapeutic Massage / Exercise, Qi Gong
• Energy Support Therapies - Electrodermal screening, magnetic therapy, light therapy
Finally, you should remember that early detection and prevention is the key to beating cancer. Here are the 8 early warning signs of cancer. If you have any of the following signs or symptomsContact your doctor immediately.
1. A lump in the breast or testicles.
2. A Change in a wart or mole.
3. A skin sore or a sore throat that will not heal.
4. A Change in bowel or bladder habits.
5. A persistent cough or coughing blood.
6. Constant indigestion or difficulty swallowing
7. Unusual bleeding or vaginal discharge
8. Chronic Fatigue
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