Prostate Cancer Symptoms and Treatment

This type of cancer is as dangerous in the early stages is difficult to detect. Although recommended for screening before the age of 50 years, but for the cases of prostate cancer is usually in men aged 40 and over performed. Since that time, the body process the hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Made for men, prostate disorders triggered by the hormone testosterone male testes. The more advanced age a man, then the hormone is converted into dihydrotestosterone, which then impact on the development of prostate cells that cause the prostate to be larger. So if you meet the age of 40 years is a good idea, health checks to ensure whether you are suffering from this disease. It took the form of a physical examination, ultrasound of the prostate and the investigation of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in blood. If the rapid screening could hope for recovery reached 70 percent.

Prostate Cancer is divided into:

Level A: node / tumor not palpable at physical examination is usually discovered by accident after prostate surgery for other diseases.
Level B: Tumor is confined to the prostate and is usually on physical examination or PSA test noted.
Disseminate Stage C: tumor outside the prostate capsule, but does not spread to the lymph nodes.
Level D: The cancer has) (metastatic) spread to regional lymph nodes or other body parts (eg bones and lungs.

> Symptoms

In the early stages, prostate cancer usually do not cause symptoms. But there are some signs or symptoms that need to be considered, namely:

Frequent urination, especially at night.
Did you push the urine.
Difficult to hold urine.
Can not urinate at all.
Urination, painful or hot.
There is blood in the urine and semen.
Pain during ejaculation.
Experience pain or stiffness in the buttocks, pelvis and groin.

Although> Symptoms appeared still light, but must be addressed. For in addition to the risk of prostate cancer, the patient is likely to urinary tract infection, and even kidney failure. Sprinkle in some cases newly diagnosed prostate cancer to the bones, according to (especially the pelvic bones, ribs and spine), or causes the kidneys (renal failure).
Cancer of the bone, the pain and the bones become brittle lead) so easy to break (fracture. If cancerspreads, the patient is usually anemic. Prostate cancer may also relate to the brain and cause seizures and neurological symptoms of mental or other.

Other symptoms include: Immediately after urination, the urine is usually still dripping

Pain when urinating.
Pain when ejaculating.
Lower back pain.
Pain during defecation.
Nocturia (urination at night).
Incontinence-uri (always wanted to pee).
Bone pain or bone pain when pressed.
Hematuria (bloodin urine).
Abdominal pain.
Weight loss.


In the early phase of the doctors will perform a series of health checks of the prostate using an ultrasound device that is inserted into the rectum. Can also by measuring the emission rate of urine (urine) from the penis. Blood tests for measuring the value of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), the increase is usually carried out in prostate cancer patients, but can also increase (not too high) in BPHPatients.

Do various other types of tests used to:

Urine analysis.
Urine or prostatic fluid cytology.
Prostate biopsy.


Swelling of the prostate in men can not be avoided. So far have not found a method used for the prevention of prostate disease and prostate cancer. Treatment options, depending on the level of the stadium: In the early stages can be prostatectomy (removal of the prostate) and radiotherapy. If the cancer has spread,hormonal manipulation can be done to reduce (the testosterone level by medication or removal of the testes), or chemotherapy.

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