
Cancer word is taken from the Latin word "carb", which means malignancy. Cancer disease may be regarded as an abnormal growth of cells, the metastatic multiply defined maintain themselves in an uncontrolled way and, in some cases. "Cancer also known as malignant, a malignant tumor, and tumor. There are more than a hundred diseases, all types of cancer have their different names, causes and treatment options.

Cancer is a disease of cells thatmake all the organs and tissues of the body. These cells normally repair and reproduce themselves in an orderly manner. If for some reason this process gets out of control, forming a growth or tumor.

Some typical types of cancer are given below:

Bladder Cancer: Bladder cancer is a disease in which malignant growth of abnormal cells in the bladder. Bladder, a part of the urinary tract is sacred, muscle or balloon-shaped organ located in the pelvisThis is usually the urine until it is released. The most common symptoms of bladder cancer is blood in the urine or pain when urinating. Smoking is a risk factor, the causes of bladder cancer.

Breast cancer: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and the second leading cause of cancer death. The most common signs of breast cancer is a lump or thickening in the breast. A lump is an armpitis not gone, and therefore may be a symptom of cancer. Other possible symptoms include breast discharge, nipple inversion, or changes in the skin over the breast. The treatment options will be used for the treatment of breast cancer surgery, radiotherapy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy.

Lung cancer: Lung cancer is the malignant transformation and growth of lung issue. The lung, a portion of the airways, are a couple like a sponge,cone-shaped organs in the human body.

There are two types of lung cancer - primary lung cancer and mesothelioma. Each type of lung cancer has many causes and occur are treated differently. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer occur. Common treatment options that are used to treat lung cancer surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Leukemia: Leukemia is a cancer of blood-forming tissues such as bone marrow.These disturbed, immature cells accumulate in the blood and the organs of the body. You are not able to perform the normal functions of blood cells. The major forms of leukemia are divided into four categories: acute myelogenous leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Depending on the abnormal cells, the most common symptoms of leukemia include fever, weakness, Blooding gums, frequent infections, weight loss, etc.There are two types of leukemia treatment - induction therapy, and the continuation of therapy. In the induction therapy is the primary treatment to reduce the number of leukemia cells and the main process is to induce remission. Remission is a period when the cancer responds to treatment or under control. Continuation of treatment occurs after a patient goes through the adoption process. The main objective of this phase is to kill everyone left out cancer cells.

ColonCancer: colon cancer, also known as colon cancer or colorectal cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells malignant growth in the colon or rectum and appendix. It begins in the digestive system, known as gastro-intestinal system. It is the third most common form of cancer. The most common symptoms of colorectal cancer is diarrhea, blood in stool, weight loss, abdominal pain and tenderness, etc. The availableTreatment options for colon cancer treatment are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Other common types of cancers are kidney cancer, laryngeal cancer, thyroid cancer, vaginal cancer, melanoma, skin cancer, oral cancer, anal cancer, brain cancer, penile cancer, etc.

Cancer Treatment Options: There are various treatment options used to treat any cancer, butMost used for cancer treatment are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, biological therapy, gene therapy, hormone therapy, and etc.

Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy is a special kind of therapy that use radiation to destroy fast growing cancer cells. There are two types of radiation therapy, external radiation and internal radiation therapy. External radiation therapy is also known as x-ray therapy, cobalt therapy and proton therapy.In this therapy, a beam directed from outside the body. Internal radiation therapy is also known as brachy-therapy or implant therapy, where a source of radioactivity is surgically known in the body near the tumor placed.

Chemotherapy: This treatment is used to describe drugs that kill cancer cells. This treatment is to have people with advanced cancer spread to other parts of the body, possibly marked outside the colon.

Surgery --The operation is an operation to remove part of the colon cancer concerns. It serves as a primary treatment for cancer.

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