The first danger of skin cancer - there are no symptoms

As will be many other types of cancer, it is likely that these diseases show no visible signs of skin cancer, they point to say: "This is skin cancer, and I should see a doctor to get it taken care of." Development of IT, as opposed to coming down with a cold of catching the stomach flu, do not come with the hand of symptoms that scream, "this skin cancers," Apart from a simple mole or a piece of mottled skin, it is ratherSymptom-less.

Since there is no final, a set of symptoms of the disease is a skin cancer, which is extremely hard to diagnose yourself. For this reason you should never try - always consult a doctor. The signs of this cancer are so very different - comes in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors - that it is nearly impossible. Plus factor is that what may appear as the inert form of skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma) appear toactually the most dangerous (malignant melanoma) are and vice versa. This means that you should never take upon himself to try and Self-diagnose skin cancer. If you see something that looks to be a symptom, always make sure you see a doctor.

While you can not even diagnose skin cancer, there are a few telltale skin changes that you should always be on guard. And although this is not always necessarily harbingers of skin cancer, it shouldbe taken seriously as a possible warning signs. In addition, new moles, or old mole, among which changed in color or size. Another set of possible symptoms include blotchy or discolored skin areas and areas in which it develops pussy discharges or unusual bleeding. If you notice any of these changes, you should make an appointment with your doctor and ask him or her to take a look.

The most important thing to think about skin cancer, that while it may beWarning signs, ultimately, it is completely symptom-less. Many who suffer from skin cancer, no matter what form, do not notice until the cancer starts to spread. Over time they develop more serious symptoms like dramatic weight loss and constant fatigue may have affected the cancer spread to other organs and will be more serious than it would if detected and treated early.

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