Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Cervical cancer symptoms are heavy with normal female reproductive processes are distinguished. However, the much greater risk of cervical cancer is responsible for the symptoms, they often go unnoticed because they are so many other common conditions such as PMS and ovulation mimic pain. The most common symptoms that most women have one time or another without ever being amortized reported to a doctor. At other times, may have cervical cancer do not> Symptoms. Unfortunately, when the symptoms present themselves, it usually means that advanced the cancer at an advanced stage.
Some of the most common symptoms are abnormal bleeding during the months of unusually heavy or a discharge that is smelly may include watery or mucus. Both may be signs of other conditions, together with the women. Any change in cycles or discharges should be reported to your doctorimmediately.
Some of the other symptoms that can occur are but they are less likely to:
Pelvic pain not with the normal menstrual cycle, from dull to severe pain, severe pain for hours. As with any abnormal pain, this should be immediately reported to your doctor.
Pain when urinating. These include pain in the bladder and kidney areas. Bladder pain was an indication that has the cancer, which can be distributed Bladder.
Bleeding between cycles or after sex. This is caused by irritation of the cervix. This may also be bleeding in flushing with a gynecological examination or when you insert a diaphragm.
Pain during intercourse or pain lasting longer than 30 minutes after orgasm.
Leakage of urine from the bladder neck area. These include increasingly incontinent or escape with pools, if you sneeze or cough.
Since abnormal cervical cell changes rarely cause> Symptoms, it is important that women regular Pap test screening (including women who have completed the normal cycle). No matter how small the problem seems, it is a wise choice for all women, no changes to your doctor. Early detection is the best choice opportunity for a full recovery. It is of utmost importance that women of all ages have regularly scheduled pelvic examinations including a Pap smear.
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