What are the symptoms of flu vaccine?

In people with pretty good health system, with an average immune system of the vaccine against influenza symptoms are quite mild. You can expect a bit 'of fever, they are like your body is the creation of an antibody to the virus and the arm will be sore, because the shot is administered in the deltoid muscle of the arm. You may also experience fatigue and muscle pain, but usually a nice long nap without it.

You can blow the flu?

EachYear many people will always complain that the flu vaccine actually gave them the flu, but it is still possible. The virus is injected into the body destroyed, so it's impossible, you are sick. Traditionally, what has happened in these cases the individual has already had the virus was a coincidence that she happened to get sick at the same time. Also, are not protected for two weeks after they are vaccinated, so if youexposed to the virus is probably still get the flu during this time.

It should be noted that antibiotics are a lot of people assume that they have, when a fever or sore throat, flu is present, but inflammation of the throat caused by bacteria, not viruses, and requires a.

Scared to vaccinate your child?

If you are a parent in Australia, you are probably a lot of fear, doubt and confusion about whether you should take to make yourChild vaccinated or not. After the horror that children in Australia has seen, vaccination against influenza, it is understandable why parents are skeptical.

A vaccine Fluvax causes high fever and convulsions in at least 100 Australian children at the beginning of flu season in 2010. Suggest, however, suggests that when experts actually caught the same children without influenza vaccination gives a good possibility that they were worse. Thus, despite these negativeThe reactions are still encouraged parents to vaccinate their children.

Allergic reactions

It 's very important to know that the flu vaccination allergy symptoms you have the potential to be deadly in which each egg. Manufacturer of the vaccine against influenza is growing influenza virus in eggs in their laboratories before being destroyed. Therefore, immunization is not for those with allergies, egg, and that they are, who feels recommendedAn allergic reaction should seek medical attention immediately.


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