The symptoms of influenza virus - know the difference between H1N1 and ordinary flu

Swine influenza is a health concern number one worldwide. HI1N1 flu and swine flu was the first time in 2009, discovered in the U.S. in April. The areas most affected were the first in Canada and Mexico before the world began H1N1 influenza cases occur in others. In a short span of four months, the disease has spread to almost all regions of the world. World Health Organization has identified as an H1N1 pandemic, a major epidemic that affects the whole country ormaybe the world. Usually the signs of a pandemic, when to stop a virus without immunity, are distributed in different parts of the world.

Risk factors of the swine flu
The swine flu spreads from person to person in the same way as normal seasonal flu virus to spread. People at high risk for seasonal influenza are at high risk for influenza H1N1. For example, people over 65, pregnant women, children under 5 years and those withchronic diseases and lifestyle diseases such as diabetes are at high risk.

The symptoms of swine flu
The children, the symptoms of H1N1 are:
1. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
2. skin color or gray-blue
3. Drainage
4. Continued from severe vomiting
5. Not able to interact properly with people, irritable
6th flu-like symptoms, cough and fever

In adults, symptoms ofSwine flu include:
1. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
2. Pain in the chest or stomach
3. Sudden dizziness or loss of energy
4. Severe or persistent vomiting
6th flu-like symptoms, cough and fever

The symptoms of the H1N1 virus is similar to it, people get on a normal seasonal influenza, and so, such as fever, sneezing, coughing, muscle aches, headache, chills, sore throat and fatigue are common. Diarrhea and vomiting arealso symptoms of influenza, which have been associated with some cases also known as influenza A.

How do I start the swine flu?
The H1N1 flu is transmitted in the same season. Influenza viruses are usually spread from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with the flu. Some people can do with the deadly H1N1 through contact, the virus has on him and then takes his nose or mouth infection.

How can someone with the influenza virus to infect someone else?
Infected people can actually infect others from the first day, before they even get symptoms. This means that there are possibilities that could happen sick before the flu symptoms, he or she knows that she or he is.

How can I protect myself from the swine flu, how can I prevent H1N1 virus?
There is no vaccine that can protect you or the prevention of the H1N1 virus> Flu. One can only hygiene and to ensure that the germs that can cause diseases such as influenza to prevent its spread. Here are ways you can prevent the flu from:

1. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough. Throw the tissue in the trash after sneezing in it.

2. Wash hands with liquid hand wash as Dettol or ring of life, especially after you cough or sneeze.

3. Do not touch your eyes, mouth or nose. BacteriaIn this way, to spread.

4. Avoid contact with infected people. This is sad, but then the highly infectious disease.

5. If you get too sick with the flu at home and not go to school or work. Limit contact with people so they are not infected.

6. Salary not crowded rooms.

7. Increase the airflow in the room by opening windows for ventilation.

8. Sleep eating nutritious food and practice healthy habits, so thatIf you are physically active and free from the flu.

How long can the virus of swine remain on things like furniture and door handles?
According to medical experts, the influenza virus on environmental surfaces and infected people between 2 and 8 hours after being deposited on things like door handles remain, books, etc. H1N1 can spread germs when a person touches an infected area or an infected person and then touches their eyes, ears, nose or mouth. Cough or sneeze droplets from aninfected person to travel through the area. If a person comes into contact with droplets of sneezing or touching another person's things like books or writing of that person, which is contaminated with droplets sneezed, and touches his eyes, mouth, nose, etc., before to wash their hands, can a contract the virus.

What are the medications and treatments?
In oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) can deal with H1N1, but they should be taken in the early stages of the disease.Antiviral drugs or prescription drugs to the immune system and keep the flu at bay and prevent them from reproducing in the body. Therefore, you should start the anti-viral drugs given within two days or symptoms of influenza H1N1.

How do I prevent H1N1 in high risk areas?
They live in places where people have been infected with the virus H1N1 or influenza-like-mentioned symptoms are then you should stay home and avoid contact, ifwith these people. If you develop flu-like symptoms, left to chance and not a doctor immediately. Your doctor or your doctor will tell you if the H1N1 influenza test is required.

The WHO has recommended the use of a mask?
If you are not ill or if you do not live in high-risk areas, it is not required to wear a mask. When a loved one is ill H1N1, it is necessary to wear a mask, because you are sick, in close contact withPerson. Discard the mask after you wash and clean the contact and your hands thoroughly. With the mask is really important because it is wrong to spread the infection.

How is it possible to distinguish between seasonal influenza and H1N1 swine influenza?
You can not tell the difference without the advice of a doctor about them. Since both the symptoms of illnesses such as colds are the same cough, headache, sneezing, fever, etc., only your doctor can tell if you have the H1N1 virus. InThe symptoms with the doctor suspects that you have your blood, nasal (nose to mouth) and throat swabs to laboratories.

Home remedies for fever:
There are home remedies, especially if you have the flu, to see whether it is H1N1 or season. The H1N1 antiviral drugs requires treatment because it is a matter of emergency. However, it is possible to prevent the spread of swine and strengthen the immune system, follow these steps:
1. WashTheir hands properly before a meal, not only with soap and water.
2. A face mask in front of it outside. If someone coughs or sneezes near you, cover your mouth and nose with the palm trees or a handkerchief. Swine flu in the body through the mouth and nose.
3. Drinking tea with lemon balm, because it has anti-viral properties.
4. Chew cloves fresh garlic, because it is anti-viral properties as well.
5. Steam inhalation with eucalyptus or chamomile can three times a day to relievepulmonary congestion and prevent the symptoms of influenza virus.

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