The determination of influence

To the untrained eye, it may be difficult to determine the difference between the common cold and influenza. Although some symptoms can equal the severity could be significantly between the two. Within 2 or 3 days, the symptoms should be a doctor can determine if you have the flu or not. The early detection of symptoms would make a big difference for those who are at higher risk of complications. The people who should beUse extra care should be more than 65 years, chronic diseases, pregnant women, infants up to age 10 and anyone with asthma, diabetes or heart disease.

The understanding of the possible complications and able to help identify treatment or even prevent the further spread or possible losses. Major problems include dehydration, bacterial pneumonia, ear infections and breast cancer, as well as, or even death. Any condition that people who already sufferchronic problems, the influence is seriously deteriorating.

The symptoms and severity of flu can vary, depending on the individual. Not everyone reacts the same. Those who experience a stronger immunity milder symptoms for less money. Others must be taken to the hospital and see a real doctor.'s Influence can be very subtle, and healthy adults can infect others one day before, and continue to be contagious for up to5 days after showing the first symptoms. E 'was observed that a person may pass before you know it.

Prevention and protection is the best way to combat influenza. Ask your doctor what would be the best approach for you and your family. It can be seen in themselves or family members would be very useful soon. Search for:

Fever, usually high, headache, extreme tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, muscle achesand stiffness, some individuals also nausea, vomiting or stomach upset.

Of the three types of influenza A and BC are the heaviest, and the type, generally mild and symptoms can pass with little to none. Although there are only three types of influenza, the spots of each year. Our bodies do their best shots to adapt to the changing virus, but the need for medical care and influence is always an option.

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