The first signs of pregnancy

If you try to think, then you probably hope and expect to soon see the first signs of pregnancy. Symptoms of pregnancy vary from woman to woman, but there are many symptoms that occur after conception can wait almost a few weeks before. This article will help you know what you are looking for.

A symptom of many women report experiencing spotting system. This is light bleeding, which occurs in about 10Days after ovulation. This may not be the first sign of pregnancy for all women because some women regularly experience spotting. But if there is a rule you do not want any bleeding between cycles, and experience between 8 days after ovulation and 13 days after ovulation spotting could be implantation spotting.

Another symptom of pregnancy, almost every woman reported early in their pregnancy is breast tenderness. The tenderness can vary from very mild.Some women report that even a slight breeze that would be the pain, while others say they've experienced the tenderness of light. Many women experience breast tenderness before their period begins, however, so this is not always a sign of pregnancy.

In addition to the spots and breast tenderness, there are a few other early symptoms of pregnancy. One of them is hunger. Some women report feeling extremely hungry obtained without the possibility of full, while others say it just felt a little ' hungrier than usual. Some women say they experience extreme thirst, hunger, however. Other symptoms of pregnancy are fatigue, nausea, bloating, headaches, stomach and abdominal pain, gas, and also itching and dizziness.

As you can see, the first symptoms of pregnancy vary from woman to woman more or less. Most experts say it is likely that pregnant if you have symptoms of only one or two, because many symptoms of early pregnancy and> The symptoms of PMS or the flu. But if you have symptoms of more, not normal, is probably a good sign. Just do not get too excited until you get a big fat positive to get on your home pregnancy test!

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