Understanding bird flu influenza virus and a glance at history

Bird flu avian influenza, a viral disease, also known as bird flu, avian flu, influenza type A, or genre. This influence is a type of influenza is hosted by birds, but also affect other animals and especially humans. The virus is usually the influenza virus' A 'is a bit' different every time you broke the flu, because undergo evolutionary change. Obtain new virus, because the genetic mutation can be trained and given a number and a number of H-N, the differentProfiles pathogens. Some of the ones that are safe for the human population and did so in the past, H1N1 (Spanish flu, 1918-1919), H2N2 (Asian influenza, 1957-58), H3N2 (Hong Kong flu, 1968-69), etc. Some of these are identified extinct due to constant changes take place in the structure of the virus that destroys his ability for people not infected. Furthermore, new viruses, and currently are the most important pandemic (epidemic over a large geographical area) of threatVirus H5N1.

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