Treatment of stomach flu

Contracting stomach flu symptoms can be very depressing! Closely related to the toilet in the light. Diarrhea is a major stomach flu symptoms. Some people also experience vomiting. What happened to cause flu-like symptoms that cells of the stomach along the small intestine is damaged by a viral infection.
The stomach flu is a health problem, which is difficult to contain, using home remedies. This does not mean that there is no cure for the disease. L 'real problem is the containment pf. Remedies include essentially swallowing something, and it is almost impossible to swallow when you have a bad stomach flu, simply because everything that goes down to seconds.
Rotavirus is the leading cause of stomach flu in children under 5. When rotavirus infects the intestinal walls of children have symptoms, fever, vomiting and dehydration, which belong to extend for a period of 2-5 days. In adults, symptomsvery mild disease and rarely acute.
The tips here are common ingredients that are probably already in your kitchen. Eating some of these foods on a regular basis will be a step in preventing the flu. By reducing the impact of the infection.
What is influenza? It 'also known as the flu is contagious respiratory infection. It can be transmitted through the air to breathe when someone sneezes or coughs influenza. L 'The symptoms are similar to colds, including dry cough, sore throat, aching joints and muscles, fatigue, rarely nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and upset stomach.
I was a bit 'Whipper Snapper. As mentioned earlier, if your body loses electrolytes in the fight against the flu, your body dry, especially if you can not keep food or liquids. If you are dehydrated, your body is not fully utilized, so that the body of the child not to fightInfluenza at maximum strength.
With what we know about the benefits of coconut water today, because the flu: a step further and ice chips do with the coconut water? Rehydrate you faster than water and calms the stomach. There are also several flavors, natural fruit, ice lollies, you could do with.
Therefore, a different vaccine is needed each year to prevent infection. Influenza (flu) virus droplets can be easily distributedcoughed or sneezed into the air and touching the door handles and other objects that have been treated by others who are infected, the flu is very contagious.
A person can become infected by coming to close contact with these body fluids or by contact with contaminated surfaces. Most infections are the result of aerosol in the air, even if the form of distribution is the deadliest so far not entirely clear. The most common flu viruses are easily inactivated by detergents, disinfectants andSunlight.
The influenza virus attacks the body's cells and mutated in different forms, because people who received the flu vaccine may still sick with the flu. The virus is transmitted through direct contact with an infected person, such as by inhaling droplets coughed or sneezed as they moved. You can also deal with items such as door handles, and a laptop that an infected person may have been distributed in touch.

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