Swine flu do not follow our 8 Comments
First things first. The simple fact of the matter is to make zip swine flu is fun. However, as noted by health experts, the public should be vigilant and not panic.
You're probably thinking that it is easier said than done. Right?
But, just keep reading and learn how to avoid this infection and keep you and your family |} the safety of persons.
The final analysis means the swine flu outbreak initially only be transferred from pigs to humans. Today, studies show thatis transmitted through contact with people and is rapidly becoming one of the most dangerous influenza viruses of our time.
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) and the World Health Organization unceasyngly were working to keep us informed.
Here are details on the swine flu symptoms:
1. Cold
2. Muscle soreness
3. Drowsiness
4 Lack of appetite
5. unexpected onset of fever over 101
I'm sure you can see clearly see it is difficult to seethe difference between other types of flu symptoms, so this particular strain of the virus requires a diagnosis from your health professional.
But fear not, there are some effective ways to end extremel to prevent infection and the spread of swine fever.
Listen very carefully now:
A - no risk. If you like signs of flu, stay home alone. These symptoms as symptoms of colds and flu regular mirror is better to be safeas regrettable.
Two - Learning, such as coughing and sneezing. That's the point - Cough or sneeze into the inside of the elbow on the arm. This is the only way to stop the spread of germs on your hands all of you, tap the following sneezing / coughing.
Three - Frequent hand washing and total. Regardless of how you could meet, so a good rule to keep hands clean to reduce the chances of contracting the infection.
Four - Anti-bacterial hand gel does wonders to kill germs,Only a tube of hand sanitizer with you at all times. This allows you to clean your hands constantly.
Five - Be careful with public places. Door handles and ink pens are also breeding grounds for germs. Touch at all costs.
Six - Be careful on the plane. The proximity to a plane is a place where germs lurk as the influenza virus to protect us.
Wash fruits and vegetables perfectly - Seven. Buy your fruit and vegetables locally, if you can.Washing with water and extend them to enjoy the activity.
Otto - your doctor. If you have symptoms severeinfluenza you see your doctor immediately. As mentioned above, only their own kind of health experts in the diagnosis of influenza. Remember, do not call in the doctor's office without notice on it, because it can be like a wildfire and vulnerable patients should go to appointments in surgery spread.
pay attention to what you have learned herethe swine flu. Hold on and protect themselves as best as possible. Only by following these simple guidelines here are to reduce your chances of becoming sick. We hope this helps you some ideas to protect against flu.
For more information on how to protect yourself, click here
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