Special Alert: Swine flu, Pregnancy & Fertility

With the swine flu now holds the potential of a global pandemic, there may be sicker than women who are pregnant worried.
This is especially true for those of you over 35, which are already struggling with fertility problems - or perhaps undergo fertility treatments now.
The good news is that pregnancy does not necessarily lead to an increased risk of contracting swine influenza - or any other kind of influence. It 'important to note that if you want to use theInfluenza during pregnancy, studies show that up to five times more likely to suffer serious complications - such as pneumonia. And this is often where they died more influence.
In view of the risks for the child, the greatest threat of diseases like influenza occur from high fever in the mother during pregnancy. constant body temperature over 101 degrees and 102 degrees, in particular, the risk of miscarriage and lead to an increased risk of neural tube defects in growthYour child - even life-threatening abnormalities of the brain and spine.
The good news is that there are things that make these problems even if you avoid getting the flu.
The first is to check your fever.The March of Dimes recommends acetaminophen (Tylenol), but ask your doctor to make sure it is good for you. You should also try to keep your body as cool with cold compresses and plenty to drink. Pregnancy is not the time to "sweat" aFever.
Second, continue to take prenatal vitamins - particularly folic acid 1000 mcg. Studies at the National Center for birth defects and developmental disorders was conducted in England, showed that women who have a multi-vitamin high in folic acid during pregnancy has taken their child back to the risk of birth defects birth, although she ran a fever during pregnancy.
In view of the two drugs for the treatment of swine flu - Tamiflu and Relenza - such as the influence of other drugs, arise fromthe FDA as a drug "Category C" - that is, they have not been tested for use during pregnancy. That is, it is important to note that no cases of birth defects or other serious health concerns associated with the use of these drugs in pregnancy, which have been used.
So, if your symptoms are severe, your doctor may suggest a course of two drugs, and if this is the case, experts say have no fear.
Finally, relax and not worry! At this time, stress and anxietyWorrying is sick because he probably does more harm than the risk of receiving the flu, which at this point is still quite small.
For more tips and information on swine flu and pregnancy, and some important details of what, if you contract the influenza virus, while the subject of infertility treatment, see this article on GettingPregnantNow.org.
For more health and beauty for women over 35 visits www.RedDressDiary.com.

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