Concern over 10 bodies to die Barbarian influenza (H1N1) in Great Britain in six weeks

The fear of another outbreak of H1N1 influenza, also known as swine flu, some health experts in the UK after the country's Health Protection Agency (HPA) has confirmed that ten people, after being infected in the past six weeks delivered dead . The HPA confirmed that the H1N1 virus in circulation again this winter.

British health authorities say that the majority of deaths occurred in individuals with already existing on the basis of health / disease, but not allthem. There are no news about what caused the death of the patient - their state of the H1N1 virus, or both.
The number of H1N1-infected patients with severe symptoms will begin to grow, informs the HPA. People under the age of sixty-five years have a higher risk of developing complications.
Head of the respiratory disease in the HPA, said Professor John Watson, the virus spread more quickly than he expected.
British media reported that eight schools and a seriesBarracks were hit by outbreaks of influenza this week. Some of the infections with the H1N1 virus.
18 of 89 cases of influenza that were reported by GPs (general practitioners, family doctors) in the last seven days beyond the confirmed H1N1 infections.
People throughout the United Kingdom are invited to get their flu vaccination if they have not already done so.
For most people flu is a disease dangerous to life and lasts for seven to ten days.But for vulnerable groups such as the very elderly, pregnant women and patients with diabetes, heart problems or lung / live / kidney disease, and people with weakened immune systems, there is a risk of serious complications. The best protection for vulnerable people is to have the vaccination.

These seasonal flu vaccination protects against the dominant strains. The current protects against three types of flu, including H1N1, also known as swine fluInfluence.
Britain was among the first countries in the pandemic influenza virus in Mexico were made last year. During its heyday, more than 100,000 new cases were reported each week in the UK.
According to The Independent, 494 people in the UK have died of swine flu during the pandemic. WHO (World Health Organization) declared the global pandemic than in August 2010.

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