If the next pandemic influenza virus more?
If the next pandemic influenza virus more?
By now you probably can not hear the swine flu. The media hype about the epidemic was unbearable. And while the media begin, slowly, there is still much concern. What should you do now to protect yourself?
Well, I want to protect from disease, had cancer, heart disease or influenza. So here's some information from one of my favorite doctor Organization of AmericanAssociation of Physicians and Surgeons, which might help to do just that.
The memory of the great influenza pandemic of 1917-1918 is not and should never go away. The virulent virus killed about 100 million people.
At that time this was about 5% of the world. An interesting story I just read from a horse and buggy doctor in Kansas who has experienced the influence of anger soon. He informed the government. But they ignored him.
While the government has ignored this explosiondid the opposite in 1976. That is, if the American government the people panic when warned about the impending influenza virus. The Americans will get tired and the millions of clicks on a disease to prevent ever made.
More people died from the vaccine as the flu. 46 million who receive the vaccine, 4,000 applications lodged with the government. The damage, which in many cases, severe paralysis called Guillain-Barr syndrome.
not the consent of the government uses mentionedthis as a complication. Moreover, the public was informed that the government had tested the vaccine. The vaccine gave the public was, in fact, not tested (by AAPS).
I was the one who was in the line of livestock, as for the vaccine. (I had recently completed medical school, and knew no better.) I do not have a flu vaccine because getting.
Now the government tells us, by a doctor as soon as possible if you experience flu-like symptoms. Do this before it's too late, they say. L 'So you can sell a few large pharmaceutical chemicals such as Tamiflu.
But these drugs for the prevention, treatment or early treatment, only the most obvious. But what is too late? The effect of the drug is to reduce disease duration of 0.5-1.5 days. Perhaps the drug could prevent more serious complications. Maybe.
But what about the toxicity of drugs? Four years ago in Japan, investigators have two teenage suicide and mental illness 64 to Tamiflu. Otherwise normalPerson develops panic attacks, hallucinations, delirium and convulsions. The government has a warning label.
However, many doctors in the United States is not toxic to these effects. Rather, they are of the opinion that these effects are a manifestation of that influence.
So where will this lead? First, if history teaches us to be a little 'attention to what the government says about your health. There is always a way to follow or monetary policy. Congressman Ron PaulTexas is a physician and member of the AAPS.
CNN interviewed him and told the story of the 1976 vaccine effort. He was one of two MPs to vote against it. He rejected the government to scare people to death, if his medicine or economics. It suggests that these tactics can cause people to beg for more government interference in our lives.
I certainly do not belittle the seriousness of a pandemic. Should I expect one for many years. Why? We are much more denselypopulated and with more mobility than we were in 1917.
I still think it's just a matter of time before the real McCoy takes. But I do not seek the truth to the state or solutions. Please review past issues of Second Opinion and my notification e-mail for details.
Vitamin D is a great protector against the flu. Take 5,000 units per day. Resveratrol is great for building your immune system. Both are in advanced Bionutritionals www.advancedbionutritionals.com.
Sambucol is an extractelder. Its widely available online. Thus, Oscillococcinum. Ive used high doses of vitamin A, 100,000 IU daily for several weeks during influenza epidemics. I have never seen the toxicity of this dose if you do it for more than a few months.
Vitamin C, an ounce every hour or bowel tolerance, is an excellent immune booster. And as I always said, please know where your doctor oxidation of vitamin C intravenously next, hydrogen peroxide, ultraviolet bloodRadiation therapy or ozone. See also the December 2008 issue of inhaled hydrogen peroxide for the flu.
Ref: AAPS Alert May 8, 2009;
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