Cause diarrhea, symptoms, treatment
What is diarrhea
Diarrhea can be absolute or relative terms, both on the frequency of bowel movements or consistency (looseness) of the sessions is based are defined.
Diarrhea is loose, watery stools. A person with diarrhea typically passes stool more than three times a day. People with diarrhea may pass more than a liter a bowel movement daily. Acute diarrhea is a common problem that usually lasts 1 or 2 days and goes away on its own without any special treatment. Prolonged diarrhea persistsmore than 2 days may be a sign of a more serious problem and poses a risk of dehydration. Chronic diarrhea may be a characteristic of a chronic illness.
The loose-stool consistency that characterizes diarrhea usually lasts a couple of days. Diarrhea often means more frequent trips to bathroom and a larger volume of feces. Some common causes of cramps, loose, watery stools and abdominal infections are caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites. Other causes are drugs - in particularAntibiotics - and artificial sweeteners.
Causes of diarrhea
Diarrhea is usually caused by viral infections, parasites or bacterial toxins. [1] In sanitary living conditions where there is plenty of food recovered and the provision of clean water, a patient in good general health by viral infection in a few days. However, for ill or malnourished people diarrhea and severe dehydration can lead to life-threatening without treatment.
Bacteria and parasites.contaminated food or water, bacteria and parasites, transmitted to your body. Parasites such as Giardia lamblia and cryptosporidium can cause diarrhea. Common bacterial causes of diarrhea are Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella and Escherichia coli. This type of diarrhea is common for travelers to countries in the developing world.
Tap water (A common mistake is to make travelers avoid tap water, but instead of ice cubes in a drink. Ice contaminated is still capable of transmitting diseases. NotUse ice cubes) parasite Giardia. Infection with Giardia (called giardiasis) is easily through child care settings and contaminated water supplies, especially water parks and swimming pools (the bacteria are resistant to chlorine treatment), children's "touch tanks" in spread aquariums and museums, and contaminated rivers or lakes.
The symptoms of diarrhea
The common disease that can take several days, often called "intestinal flu", is often due to a number of viruses that infect the intestine,Weep fluid. The excess fluid in the bowel leads to liquid stools. The inflammation may be associated with cramping, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
Other common infectious diarrhea can be caused by bacteria. These bacteria irritate the bowel and make it pour the liquid. The inflammation may be associated with cramping abdominal pain. "TD '" is due to particular bacteria common in certain areas of the world.
Treatment of diarrhea
Most casesDiarrhoea alone clear in a few days without treatment. If you see a doctor, the doctor will probably be advised to take steps to replace fluids and salts lost during diarrhea.Medicines to stop diarrhea should not be a reason for people whose diarrhea caused by bacterial infection or a parasite, because they extend used to be infected. In these cases, antibiotics are usually recommended. Depending on the severity and nature of the virus, viral diarrhea is causedtreated with medication or left to run its course.
Try eating. The food should not be boring, but try to avoid fatty or greasy foods. Infants and children should be encouraged, bananas, rice, apples and toast diet Brat eating a combination for decades to treat diarrhea. If the diarrhea, nausea, suck on ice chips until the nausea stops together. After stopping the diarrhea, avoid alcohol and spicy foods for 2 more days.
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