Swine H1N1 Influenza - Prevention and Treatments

Influenza vaccination does not protect against the flu ever. If you catch the flu, vaccinations should, and in many cases, the severity of flu. If you are injected with the virus, the body builds its own immunity against the virus. Swine H1N1 influenza vaccine is no different.
The strains of the virus can become resistant to antiviral drugs - similar to other illnesses. The H1N1 strain of swine influenza virus is resistant to older antiviral drugs like amantadine and rimantadine. HealthOfficials say that Tamiflu (oseltamivir) works well against the H1N1 influenza virus. Tamiflu and Relenza (zanamivir) are two effective vaccines for the H1N1 virus. But the vaccine is needed before the measures of contract the flu. The big unknown is how long these anti-viral vaccines remain effective in your system.
There are some actions you can own without the advice of your doctor. The H1N1 influenza virus spreads through the air and on contact. Mostobvious preventive measures are to wash hands frequently and wear a mask. These two measures are very effective. But, our culture is not breathing masks to do other cultures in order to maintain the spread of a disease or to avoid catching a disease. Hand washing works well when in contact with others, but we often forget to do so, after answering a phone or open a door. It still amazes me the number of people using the bathroom, do not wash their hands - but this isanother story.
So what else can you do besides washing your hands? Build your immune system and keep it strong and sturdy. Several articles I've read recently demonstrated that N-acetylcysteine ​​(NAC) could be helpful in maintaining health in this or a flu season. NAC is an amino acid with a component protein-coupled. It is a precursor of glutathione. Each cell in the body is able to synthesize amino acids from three different glutathione with L-cysteine ​​as one ofthem.
Glutathione is an important weapon in the arsenal of the body to better health. It 'an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals. It builds the immune system. It 's also a mucolytic, that is broken or clogged thins mucus in the lungs, caused by various diseases of the respiratory tract. Your liver is essential for the synthesis of glutathione. NAC has been shown to help detoxification in disease of the liver and lungs.
Several Italian studies have shown thatstatistical evidence that NAC was effective in reducing the severity of flu-like symptoms. In some cases, it appears that NAC to reduce the suffering of the situation, the probability that the flu.
Other herbs and supplements that are likely to be effective in the treatment or prevention of flu-like symptoms: Vitamin D, elderberry, licorice root, ginseng, whey proteins and, possibly, vitamin C, echinacea and zinc . It is feared that many of these herbs and supplements, improving workingYour immune system. There is some speculation that to do any kind of immune-stimulating, flu symptoms may get worse, or worse, lead to death. Why? Why do you think that the swine flu H1N1 virus was more lethal than those with healthy immune systems. My personal conviction is that I prefer a robust immune system against an influenza virus, or any other disease that I can find.

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Home remedies for swine influenza can safely and effectively

While we are eagerly awaiting the approach of flu season and to see takes the direction of the new influence and annoying, is not to start too late to take preventive measures and to initiate, home remedies for swine flu, which can be used to check as an alternative to reduce the drug and may contribute to the severity of the symptoms of influenza in infected individuals.

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Concern over 10 bodies to die Barbarian influenza (H1N1) in Great Britain in six weeks

The fear of another outbreak of H1N1 influenza, also known as swine flu, some health experts in the UK after the country's Health Protection Agency (HPA) has confirmed that ten people, after being infected in the past six weeks delivered dead . The HPA confirmed that the H1N1 virus in circulation again this winter.

British health authorities say that the majority of deaths occurred in individuals with already existing on the basis of health / disease, but not allthem. There are no news about what caused the death of the patient - their state of the H1N1 virus, or both.
The number of H1N1-infected patients with severe symptoms will begin to grow, informs the HPA. People under the age of sixty-five years have a higher risk of developing complications.
Head of the respiratory disease in the HPA, said Professor John Watson, the virus spread more quickly than he expected.
British media reported that eight schools and a seriesBarracks were hit by outbreaks of influenza this week. Some of the infections with the H1N1 virus.
18 of 89 cases of influenza that were reported by GPs (general practitioners, family doctors) in the last seven days beyond the confirmed H1N1 infections.
People throughout the United Kingdom are invited to get their flu vaccination if they have not already done so.
For most people flu is a disease dangerous to life and lasts for seven to ten days.But for vulnerable groups such as the very elderly, pregnant women and patients with diabetes, heart problems or lung / live / kidney disease, and people with weakened immune systems, there is a risk of serious complications. The best protection for vulnerable people is to have the vaccination.

These seasonal flu vaccination protects against the dominant strains. The current protects against three types of flu, including H1N1, also known as swine fluInfluence.
Britain was among the first countries in the pandemic influenza virus in Mexico were made last year. During its heyday, more than 100,000 new cases were reported each week in the UK.
According to The Independent, 494 people in the UK have died of swine flu during the pandemic. WHO (World Health Organization) declared the global pandemic than in August 2010.

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Myocarditis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle, often muscular layer of the heart wall. This is a rare disease usually caused by viral infections such as Coxsackie virus, adenovirus and echovirus. It can also occur during or after various viral, bacterial or parasitic. It can occur in people of all ages and is more common in men than in women who are diagnosed. Patients with acute myocarditis and chronic myocarditis have different symptoms. In many cases, the causenot found. (It is usually caused by a viral infection, particularly adenovirus and enterovirus infections (such as Coxsackie virus) causes, although many infectious organisms commonly seen in infants and children were involved. There can be chest pain , rapid signs of heart failure or sudden death exist. It may be associated with dilation (enlargement due to weakness of the heart muscle) or hypertrophy (excessive growth of muscle tissue). In myocarditis is severe enough, the pumping actionYour heart weakens and your heart is not able to supply the rest of your body with enough oxygen-rich blood.

Myocarditis as defined inflammatory changes in heart muscle and is characterized by myocyte necrosis. The signs and symptoms associated with myocardits different and belong to either the actual inflammation of the heart muscle or the weakness of the heart muscle that is secondary to inflammation. Myocarditis can be difficult to diagnose because it resemblesmany other diseases. Viral myocarditis is relatively common and usually very mild and therefore never get medical attention or never detected clinically. Many types of viral infection can affect various parts of the body, including the heart muscle. Myocarditis may develop at the same time or shortly after a viral infection, neck or chest, or if you have the flu. The heart muscle can still be damaged if the body's immune system sends antibodies to fight to try towhatever started the inflammation. Certain strains of female mice had a reduced inflammatory process when treated with estradiol. Treatment of myocarditis depends on the underlying cause.

Causes of myocarditis

The most common causes and risk factor of myocarditis include:

An infection of the heart muscle by a virus.

Rheumatic fever.

Many viruses, such as polio, rubella and influenza.

A rare complication of bacterial infections, including diphtheria, tuberculosis, typhoid and tetanus.

Other infectious organisms such as rickettsia and parasites.

Sarcoidosis and autoimmune diseases (such as systemic lupus, etc.).

A rare side effect of some drugs.

Acohol, radiation, chemicals (hydrocarbons and arsenic).

Drugs, including doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, Emetine,Chloroquine (Aralen) and sulfonamides.

The symptoms of myocarditis

Some sign and symptoms associated with myocarditis are as follows:

vague pains in the chest.

Shortness of breath.

Rapid pulse.

Sore throat or diarrhea.


Cardiac arrhythmias.

Chest pain.


Fluid retention with swelling of the legs, anklesand feet.




Myalgia and arthralgia.

Treatment of myocarditis

Here is the list of methods for the treatment of myocarditis:

If bacteria are causing the infection, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

If you have fast or irregular heartbeats as a symptom, your doctor may recommend hospitalization.

If a blood clotblood thinning heart chamber is given as well.

In these cases, in order to stabilize cardiac function, medication may be necessary. These can also vasodilators, digitalis, diuretics, ACE inhibitors and other drugs. In certain severe types of myocarditis, steroids may be prescribed.

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, such as enalapril (Vasotec), captopril (Capoten), lisinopril (Zestril, Prinivil) and ramipril (Altace).


Digoxin (Digitek, Lanoxin), which increases the strength of the contractions of the heart and the muscle tends to slow the heartbeat.

steroid medication if the cause of giant cell myocarditis.

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Defense against influenza

In recent months, concerned about the H1N1 virus, many people concerned about their health. While vaccination programs around the world have begun, there are also some very safe to protect all the natural steps to help consumers against viruses and other influenza strains. While, of course, wash your hands often and avoid the company of patients lie is at hand, there are alternative means by which you can protect yourself.

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The symptoms of walking pneumonia

Pneumonia is a disease that causes the infection of the lungs. It is an inflammatory disease that causes inflammation of the alveoli when the lungs are filled with fluid. There are many causes of pneumonia. It can be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites. The chemical or physical damage to the lungs can also cause pneumonia. The most common symptoms of pneumonia are cough, fever, chest pain and breathing difficulties. The treatment of pneumonia depends on the cause.

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Swine flu information

From what I know now, the swine flu virus is similar to a normal flu, because as it is distributed in the population. People are staying in close contact with germs from a person who is already infected and who sneezes or coughs, perhaps. If you touch your nose or eyes may, for example, then you could be infected through the chimney.

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Understanding bird flu influenza virus and a glance at history

Bird flu avian influenza, a viral disease, also known as bird flu, avian flu, influenza type A, or genre. This influence is a type of influenza is hosted by birds, but also affect other animals and especially humans. The virus is usually the influenza virus' A 'is a bit' different every time you broke the flu, because undergo evolutionary change. Obtain new virus, because the genetic mutation can be trained and given a number and a number of H-N, the differentProfiles pathogens. Some of the ones that are safe for the human population and did so in the past, H1N1 (Spanish flu, 1918-1919), H2N2 (Asian influenza, 1957-58), H3N2 (Hong Kong flu, 1968-69), etc. Some of these are identified extinct due to constant changes take place in the structure of the virus that destroys his ability for people not infected. Furthermore, new viruses, and currently are the most important pandemic (epidemic over a large geographical area) of threatVirus H5N1.

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The symptoms of sore throat

Neck pain is common. Most times the pain is worse in the morning and improves during the day. Neck pain is a symptom of many diseases. Infections cause most sore throats and are contagious. Infections are caused either by viruses such as influenza, common cold, mononucleosis, or by bacteria such as streptococci, mycoplasmas and Haemophilus. Most sore throats are caused by a virus and go away by themselves within a week. Only a small percentage of bacteriaInfections that require medical treatment. Bacterial infections are often treated with antibiotics, even if the drugs do not always speed healing or prevent recurrent infections. Sore throat is the most common bacterial cause of sore throat. Because strep throat can occasionally lead to rheumatic fever, antibiotics are given. Sore throat, often fever (greater than 101 ° F), white patches on the draining lymph nodes and swelling of the throat or neck race. Children can have aHeadaches and stomach aches.

Neck pain is the most common bacterial cause of sore throat. Sore throat, a kind of bacteria called Streptococcus. The pain of a sore throat often feels like sore throats caused by other bacteria or viruses. Neck pain accompany other viral infections such as measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, and croup. Sore throat, often fever, white spots on the draining of the throat and swollen lymph glands orNeck. Children can be a headache and abdominal pain. Canker sores and fever blisters in the throat can be very painful. A sore throat can be caused by bacteria. The two most common bacteria Streptococcus (sore throat as well) and Arcanobacterium haemolyticum. Arcanobacterium causes sore throats mainly in young adults and is sometimes associated with a fine red rash is. About 10 to 15 percent of sore throats are caused by bacterial infections, and Streptococcus (sore throat) or causedStaphylococcus bacteria.

Neck pain is common in children and adolescents aged 5-15 Neck pain is a condition in which a sore throat or back in the throat. Sore throat is usually accompanied by cold or a bout of flu. 10% of sore throats are due to infection of the throat, which is from Group A Streptococcus causes strep bacteria. Neck pain is a painful feeling connected to the throat. Neck pain is common, especiallyin children. The neck pain that occur after treatment with antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs or other immune compromise may Candida, commonly known as "thrush. It often happens when a person has a cold or the flu. 10% of neck pain because of strep throat. The neck pain is known by different names, depending on the pain affected area such as pharyngitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis. gargling with warm salt water is very beneficial for the treatment ofNeck pain.

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Know the symptoms of colds and coughs

Colds, with or without cough are usually caused by a virus. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses. Colds can not be cured, but symptoms of a cold can be treated with over-the-counter drugs.

Colds are most contagious during the first 2-4 days after onset of symptoms and can be contagious for up to 3 weeks. You can have a cold from person to person contact or through inhalation of virus particles that spread through the air by sneezing or coughing to catch. Touching the mouth orNose after touching skin or another surface contaminated with a rhinovirus also spread a cold.

Paracetamol is less likely that your stomach for other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, to relieve pain, they are angry. However, some studies have shown that paracetamol, aspirin or other NSAIDs aggravate asthma and / or gastric ulcers. Aspirin should not be in children under eighteen years of age because it may play a role in causing Reye's playSyndrome, a rare but serious liver condition and central nervous system. Be sure to discuss all medication choices with your doctor.

A person who is coughing for breath before this action in his vocal cords to close and tighten the muscles, causing increased pressure in the chest. Then, suddenly, the glottis opens, an explosive discharge of air sweeping through the air ducts and carries excessive secretion or in some cases, foreign bodies, thehas irritated the larynx, trachea, bronchi o.

Improper use of this medication (abuse) may result in serious harm (eg, brain damage, seizures, death). Do not increase your dose or take this medication more often than your doctor or the package instructions without the consent of your doctor recommended.

Flu symptoms are very similar to cold symptoms, it is often difficult to tell the difference. But there is a suspicion of influence that will help you know. If youthe flu, feel flu-like symptoms can be earlier than cold symptoms, and come forward with much greater intensity. You feel very weak and tired for up to 2 or 3 weeks. You have muscle aches and chills and sweating as the fever comes and goes sometimes. You can also use a stuffy or runny nose, headache and neck pain.

Cold and say the case for three minutes, four days ago and go back in time. But the allergic rhinitis is often all three four weeks ago said the same thingTime and symptoms and for longer stays. Better ask your doctor if you are from a cold, colds or allergies and healing for the same.

In fact, many medical specialists say, now that should not be given cough medicine, especially when you cough suppressants because they could potentially dangerous side effects such as drowsiness, balance problems and chest infections in asthmatics, especially children. Other ingredients such asAntihistamines may cause coughing and decongestants such as pseudoephedrine may cause irritability, insomnia and problems with muscle tone.

If the symptoms are tolerable, you're probably better off saving your money and treat the common cold or the flu the old fashioned way - by drinking plenty of fluids, rest, if possible, and to see your doctor if your symptoms do not go away after a few days, or if they worsen.

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Monkeypox - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com:80/alternative-medicine-articles/monkeypox-causes-symptoms-and-treatment-458503.html

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Know the symptoms of swine flu treatment

The new virus was discovered in the U.S. in April 2009. The virus was called swine flu virus because they are genetically similar to viruses that usually cause flu in pigs (animals like pigs, boars, pigs).
The virus can be spread over the year, but outbreaks later in the autumn and winter months, similar outbreaks in people of pigs. The classical swine influenza virus (a type of influenza virus A H1N1) was the first of several hog in 1930.
The Centers for Disease Control(CDC) and following the declaration of a public health emergency, it is liberating effect on the business practices of drug and limit the impact on our rights.
Everything to do to accept, to deceive the swine flu vaccination. The hoax was all ready to make big profits for pharmaceutical companies and related to sales of vaccines, while the revenue going to governments and corrupt politicians.
However, if you're wearing the mask with others who are infected withVirus protect you from germs of sneezing and coughing. If not, can not hurt to wear a surgical mask, but do not be lulled into a false sense of protection against influenza virus.
We are the reason for the single vaccine was not adequately antibodies that an admission that, before influenza vaccines practically useless, it is said to produce. So, we've been cheated over the years and how can we trust what we say thisTime?
The current epidemic of swine influenza virus in New Mexico have emerged with similar symptoms in humans to that of a normal human seasonal influenza infection. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, cough and sore throat. Some people with swine flu, vomiting and diarrhea reported.
Within days, hundreds of other suspected cases have been reported throughout Mexico. There were also more cases occur in the United States and in many other countries.
The World Health Organization also recognizes that the swine flu is highly contagious and, as such, their advice seems to be pandemic, infection control procedures. It 'best to be vigilant and practice how to ask employees to report HR stay home and consult your doctor if you feel well, the relationship they have flu-like symptoms or Mexico or any other high risk area covered by the World Organization of Health.
World Health Organization has definedH1N1 pandemic like that of a serious outbreak in the country or maybe the world media business. Usually the signs of a pandemic, when to stop a virus without immunity, are distributed in different parts of the world.
There is an influence that came from a mutation of a strain of animal origin but transferred to humans. These animals are usually strains of birds (H5N1) and swine (H1N1). In this case, the current swine flu did this spring in the vicinity of Vera Cruz, Mexico.

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Cause diarrhea, symptoms, treatment

What is diarrhea
Diarrhea can be absolute or relative terms, both on the frequency of bowel movements or consistency (looseness) of the sessions is based are defined.
Diarrhea is loose, watery stools. A person with diarrhea typically passes stool more than three times a day. People with diarrhea may pass more than a liter a bowel movement daily. Acute diarrhea is a common problem that usually lasts 1 or 2 days and goes away on its own without any special treatment. Prolonged diarrhea persistsmore than 2 days may be a sign of a more serious problem and poses a risk of dehydration. Chronic diarrhea may be a characteristic of a chronic illness.
The loose-stool consistency that characterizes diarrhea usually lasts a couple of days. Diarrhea often means more frequent trips to bathroom and a larger volume of feces. Some common causes of cramps, loose, watery stools and abdominal infections are caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites. Other causes are drugs - in particularAntibiotics - and artificial sweeteners.
Causes of diarrhea
Diarrhea is usually caused by viral infections, parasites or bacterial toxins. [1] In sanitary living conditions where there is plenty of food recovered and the provision of clean water, a patient in good general health by viral infection in a few days. However, for ill or malnourished people diarrhea and severe dehydration can lead to life-threatening without treatment.
Bacteria and parasites.contaminated food or water, bacteria and parasites, transmitted to your body. Parasites such as Giardia lamblia and cryptosporidium can cause diarrhea. Common bacterial causes of diarrhea are Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella and Escherichia coli. This type of diarrhea is common for travelers to countries in the developing world.
Tap water (A common mistake is to make travelers avoid tap water, but instead of ice cubes in a drink. Ice contaminated is still capable of transmitting diseases. NotUse ice cubes) parasite Giardia. Infection with Giardia (called giardiasis) is easily through child care settings and contaminated water supplies, especially water parks and swimming pools (the bacteria are resistant to chlorine treatment), children's "touch tanks" in spread aquariums and museums, and contaminated rivers or lakes.
The symptoms of diarrhea
The common disease that can take several days, often called "intestinal flu", is often due to a number of viruses that infect the intestine,Weep fluid. The excess fluid in the bowel leads to liquid stools. The inflammation may be associated with cramping, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
Other common infectious diarrhea can be caused by bacteria. These bacteria irritate the bowel and make it pour the liquid. The inflammation may be associated with cramping abdominal pain. "TD '" is due to particular bacteria common in certain areas of the world.
Treatment of diarrhea
Most casesDiarrhoea alone clear in a few days without treatment. If you see a doctor, the doctor will probably be advised to take steps to replace fluids and salts lost during diarrhea.Medicines to stop diarrhea should not be a reason for people whose diarrhea caused by bacterial infection or a parasite, because they extend used to be infected. In these cases, antibiotics are usually recommended. Depending on the severity and nature of the virus, viral diarrhea is causedtreated with medication or left to run its course.
Try eating. The food should not be boring, but try to avoid fatty or greasy foods. Infants and children should be encouraged, bananas, rice, apples and toast diet Brat eating a combination for decades to treat diarrhea. If the diarrhea, nausea, suck on ice chips until the nausea stops together. After stopping the diarrhea, avoid alcohol and spicy foods for 2 more days.

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How to determine which are the flu-like symptoms in children

The flu is by far one of the most deadly contagious virus on the rise in today's world. This virus can be used as air-Virus can be purchased or acquired, even if a child directly touched something that touched an infected person before. To determine if the child has the flu or the flu you can get in a position to recognize the symptoms of influenza in children. It should first be aware that time is important! The incubation period of influenza in a child processmuch shorter than the average adult. Therefore, you will soon find the best remedy to help influence your child quickly on the road to recovery.

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See symptoms of herpes

Herpes is a disease that is responsible for injuries, rashes on the skin. There are several different viruses, and each strain causes similar, but a different type of home.
There are two species most often encountered. The first strain of herpes herpes simplex 1, the parts of the body above the waist hit. Outbreaks occur mainly inside and outside the mouth.
Herpes Transmission
The other member of the ruling family is herpes simplex 2 herpes virus, which is also calledHSV 2 Herpes is a member of the family and affects the public areas and the buttocks and lower back. We are the type of virus has caused outbreaks in more detail a little talking.
Herpes simplex 1 is the mild form of herpes virus. The houses are cold sores, blisters and fever, which is located inside or outside the mouth. The disease is (transmitted and incurable. The way in which this disease is transmitted by contact with lesions. This virus can cause genital herpes, butIt is usually around the mouth.
This is known as herpes. These lesions erupt when the immune system is weakened or stressed. This is what the name of cold sores or fever blisters, these lesions occur when it is cold.
Herpes simplex 2 is the most talked about herpes. HSV 2 is passed through sexual activity. The bubbles that occur at this position are similar to cold sores, HSV-2 virus usually causes the most concern. It is spread sexually. Although the vesicles of herpesSimplex 2 look the same as cold sores, usually do not appear in the pubic area.
Genital Herpes (bulbs) for men on the penis, anus, buttocks and even the inner thighs and lower back can occur. Women see the bubbles appear above the pubic area, between the anus and buttocks. Sometimes the epidemic as sweet as the torch or flashlight is used during the test.
So what herpes sores look like? Sometimes herpes can be as easy as redness of the affected region to see.Even a charge of May and some feverish influence pain. A rejection of the penis or vagina and is often the case.
The first outbreak of herpes is always the worst! Expect to suffer from swollen lymph nodes and systems outside of flu-like eruptions. Case will inevitably be less stringent in the short term rather than acute and could produce about 5 times a year. This is the condition of your immune system and how much stress from your life.

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Brucellosis - Definition, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Brucellosis is a bacterial disease. Brucellosis is also known as Mediterranean fever. E 'caused by a bacterium Brucella canis. These bacteria are passed among animals and vertebrates. The bacterium enters the body through mucous membranes and spreads to lymph nodes and spleen. It is also spreading to the uterus, placenta and prostate and other internal organs at times. In humans, brucellosis can be a number of symptoms that may be similar to flu and fever,Sweating, headache, back pain and physical weakness. Severe infections of the central nervous system or lining of the heart may occur. Brucellosis can also cause long-lasting or chronic symptoms that include recurrent fevers, joint pain and fatigue. Brucellosis can be very common in countries where control programs, animal disease does not reduce the amount of disease among animals. High risk of brucellosis in South and Central America, Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, Caribbean andMiddle East.

pasteurized cheese, sometimes presented as a "village cheeses," from these areas is a particular risk for tourists. The causative agent of brucellosis in dogs is Brucella canis. It is transmitted to other dogs through breeding and contact with aborted fetuses. Brucellosis in people who have stopped contact with infected tissues or seeds occur. The bacteria in dogs normally infect the genitals and lymphatic system, but can also infect the eye,Kidney and intervertebral disc (which discospondylitis). The symptoms of brucellosis in dogs include abortion in bitches and scrotal inflammation and orchitis Brucella organisms in samples of blood or bone marrow. If this method is used, two blood samples apart.Treatment two weeks of brucellosis is usually collected doxycycline and rifampin in combination for 6 weeks to prevent recurrent infections.

Causes of Brucellosis

Directly from person to personSpread of brucellosis is extremely rare. It is also spreading to the uterus, placenta and prostate and other internal organs at times. People are usually infected in three ways: eating, drinking and breathing. pasteurized goat's milk and dairy products is linked to the main route of transmission to humans ovi-B. to infect the most common way is to eat or drink milk products contaminated. Sexual transmission has also been reported. For both sexual and breast-feedingTransmission if the child or a person is treated with a risk for brucellosis, their risk of infection themselves likely to be eliminated within 3 days. Farmers and ranchers have similar risks of exposure, and also broke the contact with animals. slaughterhouse workers, especially those to be killed in areas of spraying liquid, contamination of abraded skin and mucous membranes spray vaccination. Laboratory Technicians (microbiologist) will be withdrawn from treatment of samples(Aerosol), without special precautions. Vets are usually due to accidental injection of animal vaccines against B abortus and B melitensis infected.

The symptoms of brucellosis




4.Profuse sweating


6.Weight loss and generalized aching.

Treatment of brucellosis

1.Doxycycline and rifampicin are usedso that in combination for 6 weeks for recurrent infections.

2.Aminoglycosides streptomycin and gentamicin are effective against Brucella bacteria.

3.Gentamicin 5 mg / kg intramuscularly once daily for 7 days is an acceptable substitute

4.Provide supportive treatment for symptoms and get appropriate tests targeting of organ systems affected by history and physical determined.

5.All infected animalsshould be castrated or sterilized to prevent transmission to you sexually. All infected animals should be lifelong carriers of the disease.

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An overview of hearing loss - symptoms, causes and cures

The hearing is an important part of life. If nothing else, it serves as a safety valve against the danger. If you hear the car tires screeching, sound comes from which direction it says. It is a stretch in the direction of the sound and see the racing for you to let you off the road quickly. If you have a hearing loss, you can not hear the tires at all what you are injured or worse.

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An introduction to the symptoms of mesothelioma

The main cause of mesothelioma, a type of cancer is exposure to asbestos. This disease attacks the lining of the stomach, heart and lungs and that is why it is a disaster.
You should not ignore and medical help when the tumor is malignant, requiring that the patient's life. Once the patient develops symptoms of mesothelioma, which has a provider.
You should be aware of this disease very early so that preventive measures can be taken byright time.

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Food Poisoning - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com:80/alternative-medicine-articles/food-poisoning-causes-symptoms-and-treatment-462780.html


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Understanding avian influenza virus

Avian influenza is an infection caused by avian influenza viruses. These influenza viruses are naturally among birds. Wild birds worldwide carry the viruses in their intestines but usually do not get sick of them.
However, avian influenza in birds is very contagious and can make some domesticated birds, chickens, ducks and turkeys, very sick and kill them. Infected birds shed flu virus in their saliva, nasal secretions and feces. susceptible birds become infected whenget contaminated with secretions or excretions or with surfaces contaminated with secretions or excretions contact with infected birds.
domestic birds from avian influenza virus through direct contact with infected waterfowl or other infected poultry or through contact with infected surfaces or materials such as water or feed that has been contaminated with the virus.
Types of bird flu disease
The avian influenza infection inDomestic poultry causes two main forms of disease that are known for extreme low and high virulence. The low pathogenic form may go undetected and usually causes only mild symptoms. However, the highly pathogenic form spreads more rapidly through flocks of poultry.
This form may cause disease that affects multiple internal organs and has a mortality rate that can reach 90-100% often within 48 hours. There are many different subtypes of influenza virus type A. These subtypes differdue to changes in certain proteins on the surface of influenza virus.
There are 16 known HA subtypes and 9 NA subtypes of influenza A virus known. Many different combinations of HA and NA proteins are likely. Each combination represents a different subtype. All are considered subtypes of influenza viruses in birds.
The symptoms of bird flu symptoms
In general, when does the avian influenza virus influenza A virus to find, especially in birds, but infectionsmay occur with these viruses in humans. The risk of avian influenza is generally low to most people because the viruses do not normally infect humans. However, confirmed cases of human infection from several subtypes of avian influenza infection reported since 1997.
Most cases of avian influenza infection in humans through contact with infected poultry or surfaces contaminated with secretions and excretions from infected birds out. The spread of avian influenzaThe virus from one ill person to another has been reported very rarely, and transmission has not been observed, more than one person. The symptoms of avian influenza in humans have ranged from typical human flu-like symptoms, complications and other severe and life-threatening. The symptoms of avian influenza may depend on what caused the infection of the virus.

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What is avian influenza? What are the symptoms of avian flu?

What is avian influenza?
Bird flu has its name because it is usually transmitted between, hits infected, and can be deadly to birds. "Avian influenza" or "bird flu" is a collective term for a number of viruses that occur naturally among birds. is usually carried by wild birds, avian influenza is very contagious among bird populations and to make domestic animals (chickens, ducks and turkeys) for the terminally ill.
It is a form of influenza (flu) virus that usually onlyinfected birds and sometimes infects pigs. There are many different strains of avian influenza. Some of these strains cause only mild symptoms in birds, ruffling their feathers and reducing their egg production. Other tribes, including some of the H5 strains, are dangerous - they spread rapidly, more severe symptoms, and almost always fatal to the cause of birds.
The symptoms of avian influenza are similar to other types of flu, including:
Sore throat;
Typical signs and symptoms of influenza in adults and sudden onset of symptoms within 2-4 days of incubation of the virus. These symptoms are fever, 37.8 ° C above the peak within the first day. This will last for about 4 days. Other symptoms include dry cough, headache, chills, sweats, sore throat, muscle aches, malaise and anorexia. An important factor of differentiation of influenza infection from other common diseases of the respiratory tract, the symptomsMalaise would be difficult and will remain for several days. Other symptoms may include muscle fatigue, photophobia, and other general needs, such as abdominal pain and nausea. As for the children, who are relatively the same type of symptoms, except abdominal pain and limb pain seems more common.
Symptoms can vary from a mild illness with little or no mortality to a highly fatal, rapidly spreading epidemic (highly pathogenic avian influenza) depending on the infecting virusStrain, host factors and environmental stressors. Some of the symptoms are:
Tiredness (can be extreme).
Dry cough.
Neck pain.

Stuffy nose.
Symptoms may appear suddenly and the infection is very aggressive. Bird flu rapid deterioration, pneumonia and multiple organ failure, which can be fatal.
If bird flu is suspected, diagnostic tests used to detect the virus and identify the strain. A physicalExamination, blood tests and chest X-rays can also be carried out.
A nasopharyngeal culture is a sample of secretions from the nose and throat taken with a cotton pad in a laboratory-bred and examined microscopically for the presence of avian influenza. This test can be used to detect the influenza virus and determine the strain, but the results of the tests can for as long as 3 days.
You can get the typical flu-like symptoms with high fever, headache, muscle aches,Exhaustion, but also get many of the cases, the involvement of a rapidly progressive lung and lung, where the respiratory disease, respiratory distress, and this is usually the cause of death or a contributory cause of death in people who 'actually from died've avian influenza. So has some of the standard flu-like symptoms, but it goes very quickly from a fulminant course, leading to serious illness and sometimes death of individuals.

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If the next pandemic influenza virus more?

If the next pandemic influenza virus more?
By now you probably can not hear the swine flu. The media hype about the epidemic was unbearable. And while the media begin, slowly, there is still much concern. What should you do now to protect yourself?
Well, I want to protect from disease, had cancer, heart disease or influenza. So here's some information from one of my favorite doctor Organization of AmericanAssociation of Physicians and Surgeons, which might help to do just that.
The memory of the great influenza pandemic of 1917-1918 is not and should never go away. The virulent virus killed about 100 million people.
At that time this was about 5% of the world. An interesting story I just read from a horse and buggy doctor in Kansas who has experienced the influence of anger soon. He informed the government. But they ignored him.
While the government has ignored this explosiondid the opposite in 1976. That is, if the American government the people panic when warned about the impending influenza virus. The Americans will get tired and the millions of clicks on a disease to prevent ever made.
More people died from the vaccine as the flu. 46 million who receive the vaccine, 4,000 applications lodged with the government. The damage, which in many cases, severe paralysis called Guillain-Barr syndrome.
not the consent of the government uses mentionedthis as a complication. Moreover, the public was informed that the government had tested the vaccine. The vaccine gave the public was, in fact, not tested (by AAPS).
I was the one who was in the line of livestock, as for the vaccine. (I had recently completed medical school, and knew no better.) I do not have a flu vaccine because getting.
Now the government tells us, by a doctor as soon as possible if you experience flu-like symptoms. Do this before it's too late, they say. L 'So you can sell a few large pharmaceutical chemicals such as Tamiflu.
But these drugs for the prevention, treatment or early treatment, only the most obvious. But what is too late? The effect of the drug is to reduce disease duration of 0.5-1.5 days. Perhaps the drug could prevent more serious complications. Maybe.
But what about the toxicity of drugs? Four years ago in Japan, investigators have two teenage suicide and mental illness 64 to Tamiflu. Otherwise normalPerson develops panic attacks, hallucinations, delirium and convulsions. The government has a warning label.
However, many doctors in the United States is not toxic to these effects. Rather, they are of the opinion that these effects are a manifestation of that influence.
So where will this lead? First, if history teaches us to be a little 'attention to what the government says about your health. There is always a way to follow or monetary policy. Congressman Ron PaulTexas is a physician and member of the AAPS.
CNN interviewed him and told the story of the 1976 vaccine effort. He was one of two MPs to vote against it. He rejected the government to scare people to death, if his medicine or economics. It suggests that these tactics can cause people to beg for more government interference in our lives.
I certainly do not belittle the seriousness of a pandemic. Should I expect one for many years. Why? We are much more denselypopulated and with more mobility than we were in 1917.
I still think it's just a matter of time before the real McCoy takes. But I do not seek the truth to the state or solutions. Please review past issues of Second Opinion and my notification e-mail for details.
Vitamin D is a great protector against the flu. Take 5,000 units per day. Resveratrol is great for building your immune system. Both are in advanced Bionutritionals www.advancedbionutritionals.com.
Sambucol is an extractelder. Its widely available online. Thus, Oscillococcinum. Ive used high doses of vitamin A, 100,000 IU daily for several weeks during influenza epidemics. I have never seen the toxicity of this dose if you do it for more than a few months.
Vitamin C, an ounce every hour or bowel tolerance, is an excellent immune booster. And as I always said, please know where your doctor oxidation of vitamin C intravenously next, hydrogen peroxide, ultraviolet bloodRadiation therapy or ozone. See also the December 2008 issue of inhaled hydrogen peroxide for the flu.
Ref: AAPS Alert May 8, 2009;

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General weakness, fatigue and lethargy, symptoms and causes Men

general weakness is the result of low energy supply to the muscles of normal physical activity such as walking or hiking, and execution of the main daily activities. It is often when an extraordinary job of burning and muscle strength did you feel tired and bound. Fatigue is a close relative of weakness, fatigue, only giving you the feeling of complete exhaustion and weakness. Fatigue does everything to a halt until you return, it is often an underlying factor may change, be theWeather attack or disease. Overload or lack of sleep, colds or flu attacks Spike attacks of fatigue, which can be long depending on the nature. Sometimes the fatigue can be a doctor if it is not evidence of loss, otherwise it will be clear when you recover, and will diminish the power is restored and pain when away.
Lethargy is another term refers interchangeably with fatigue and weakness, which also describes another form of fatigue slowly,Poor response time, laziness or apathy. E 'often feel when you wake up in the morning and a major symptom that will show the medical treatment, while fatigue and weakness are the symptoms of physical illnesses that may or may not be seen by a doctor. The weakness is often attached to the body and muscles during fatigue and lethargy go a little 'more in the way, there is often a loss of appetite and many other diagnostic characters identified. If it happens, just stayand a good diet does not relieve the tiredness then there's obviously more.
The causes are many male general weakness, and most are best left to manage the doctor. Since the weakness is only a symptom, here are the most likely causes, namely: virulent infections, diseases, endocrine imbalances, allergic reactions and many others. Bacterial or virus attacks the chest cavity of not knowing the victim in a terrible situation for a little room ', what action to take. The influence causedMicrobes are temporary leave, but a sign from you.
Many other diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems, thyroid disease and cancer to know how to hide for a good time. At the time listlessness, fatigue, and show a persistent, there is no waiting for another reason, a doctor to have yourself checked for a visit of the possibilities. insufficient supply of oxygen to the tissues of the body may contain a reference to the low blood pressure, and presents a case of anemia. levels of blood sugar may go upsudden flooding of the blood, rather than the cells where it is necessary to give an indication of diabetes. A low or high consumption of thyroid hormones showed the presence of a serious breakdown in the delivery by the gland, which is the regulator of how energy is used.
prescription drugs, vitamin B, and too much coffee, fatigue and depression frequently. The abuse of alcohol, illegal drugs and drug abuse are also included in this list. And always focus onHerbs and natural remedies.

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Swine flu do not follow our 8 Comments

First things first. The simple fact of the matter is to make zip swine flu is fun. However, as noted by health experts, the public should be vigilant and not panic.
You're probably thinking that it is easier said than done. Right?
But, just keep reading and learn how to avoid this infection and keep you and your family |} the safety of persons.
The final analysis means the swine flu outbreak initially only be transferred from pigs to humans. Today, studies show thatis transmitted through contact with people and is rapidly becoming one of the most dangerous influenza viruses of our time.
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) and the World Health Organization unceasyngly were working to keep us informed.
Here are details on the swine flu symptoms:
1. Cold
2. Muscle soreness
3. Drowsiness
4 Lack of appetite
5. unexpected onset of fever over 101
I'm sure you can see clearly see it is difficult to seethe difference between other types of flu symptoms, so this particular strain of the virus requires a diagnosis from your health professional.
But fear not, there are some effective ways to end extremel to prevent infection and the spread of swine fever.
Listen very carefully now:
A - no risk. If you like signs of flu, stay home alone. These symptoms as symptoms of colds and flu regular mirror is better to be safeas regrettable.
Two - Learning, such as coughing and sneezing. That's the point - Cough or sneeze into the inside of the elbow on the arm. This is the only way to stop the spread of germs on your hands all of you, tap the following sneezing / coughing.
Three - Frequent hand washing and total. Regardless of how you could meet, so a good rule to keep hands clean to reduce the chances of contracting the infection.
Four - Anti-bacterial hand gel does wonders to kill germs,Only a tube of hand sanitizer with you at all times. This allows you to clean your hands constantly.
Five - Be careful with public places. Door handles and ink pens are also breeding grounds for germs. Touch at all costs.
Six - Be careful on the plane. The proximity to a plane is a place where germs lurk as the influenza virus to protect us.
Wash fruits and vegetables perfectly - Seven. Buy your fruit and vegetables locally, if you can.Washing with water and extend them to enjoy the activity.
Otto - your doctor. If you have symptoms severeinfluenza you see your doctor immediately. As mentioned above, only their own kind of health experts in the diagnosis of influenza. Remember, do not call in the doctor's office without notice on it, because it can be like a wildfire and vulnerable patients should go to appointments in surgery spread.
pay attention to what you have learned herethe swine flu. Hold on and protect themselves as best as possible. Only by following these simple guidelines here are to reduce your chances of becoming sick. We hope this helps you some ideas to protect against flu.
For more information on how to protect yourself, click here

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Your well-being and symptoms of poisoning Black Mold

You can not understand, but you probably have mold in your home. One person, the property is the ideal environment for mold growth and to exist. His house is damp and the right climate for the growth of mold. This is why many people discover mold in their homes. It 'important that you carefully consider your family to discover and eliminate mold.

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Blood Sugar - Symptoms of hypoglycaemia

concentration of blood sugar, or glucose level is tightly regulated in the human body. Normally, the level of blood glucose maintained between 4 to 6 mmol / L (70 to 100 mg / dL). The total measurement of glucose in the blood is therefore about 3.3 to 7g (assuming an ordinary adult blood volume of 5 liters). blood sugar levels rise after meals and usually lowest in the morning, before the first meal of the day.

blood glucose test to measure how well your body processesSugar (glucose). Some blood sugar tests are used to diagnose diabetes or difficult situations. A. determine how well you are managing diabetes.

The blood sugar is, the increase or decrease in blood glucose. Your blood sugar level can be considered high if the glucose 200 mg / dL or higher. increase in blood sugar, scientifically known as "hyperglycemia." To check the level of glucose in the blood, you must use a glucose monitor based on serum.

Afterhigh levels of blood sugar every now and then is a big problem. It happens all with diabetes from time to time. But if the high level of sugar in the blood are many, your diabetes health care team will help you understand how to get back to a healthy level.

Symptoms of blood sugar

symptoms of blood sugar can lead to serious health problems if not treated properly. Low blood sugar symptoms can lead to convulsions and unconsciousness.

choices of poor nutrition and food, especially if you follow a specific diet for diabetics, but they are not.

A number of diseases can be similar to the symptoms of hypoglycemia. The doctor will use blood tests and other measures to ensure that another condition is not the cause of the symptoms

hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome or HHNS is a life-threatening condition most often in older people. HHNS can happen to peoplewith either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, but is more common in people with type 2 diabetes. HHNS is usually caused by a disease or infection.

Influenza and other common diseases. The disease can also cause stress, the level of sugar in the blood has become more intense. We recommend that if you feel the symptoms of influenza and other common diseases, be sure to prevention.

High blood sugar symptoms can lead both small and serious blood sugarConditions for them a lot of people with diabetes.

They feel insecure, nervous, tired, sweaty, cold, hungry, irritable, confused or impatient. It 's always important to test to make sure they actually have low levels of blood sugar.

adult family members should also know how to inject glucagon, a hormone that causes the liver to release glucose. Your doctor may prescribe a glucagon kit. Keep it in the same place and make sure family and friends know where youit is not. E 'extremely important that the people around you what to do in an emergency.

At the level of blood sugar, a healthy person by several hormones that regulate insulin. Insulin is produced by the pancreas, a small organ near the stomach that also secretes important enzymes that are produced to aid digestion of food.

Other symptoms include sweating, tremors, numbness, distraction, dizziness, palpitations, and some sexualDisorders. Most patients feel hungry and eat frequently hypoglycemia them overcome feelings of weakness and emotional irritability. You feel tense when they go without food for several hours. If the patient has no symptoms that show a drop in blood sugar level of experience, you should immediately appoint a heaping tablespoon of sugar and then to a doctor.

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Knowing the difference between flu-like symptoms and allergies

If you're in bed all day with flu-like symptoms, allergies could be the real cause. Often, people mistake simple allergy signs for more serious illnesses such as colds or the flu.

To learn more about allergies and the distinction between a disease and a possible allergic reaction, keep reading.

All allergies are not the same

Just because someone does an allergic reaction is not automatically show a runny nose and itchy eyes.In fact, many allergies are symptomatic as stomach pains, headache, rash or other flu-like indicators. Allergies are simply a set of responses to various antigens, and the reactions, depending on the individual and the same allergy

all the characters associated with the flu - Some allergic reactions are disguised as low-grade fever, aches, pains and chills.

Understanding the difference

Typically, a flu will not be too short or longDuration. If your pain, discomfort and flu-like symptoms for several weeks or during an allergen seem more "seasonal", is probably an indicator that responds to a particular pollen or airborne particles. When flu symptoms persist for an indefinite period, without giving in, it might be a bigger problem - like mold in your living environment.

If you suspect that mold or asbestos can cause chronic flu-like symptoms, you should consult with your doctor and lookyour home thoroughly inspected.

Be aware of the Seasons

If it is mid-February and you live in North Dakota, you are not likely to suffer from allergies, unless there is a reaction to animals or other allergens. pollen allergy season, but usually occurs during the warm months.

However, not all allergic reactions caused by pollen. As mentioned above, some mold in your home or work environment has caused some maybe due to dust and pollution and others may also be caused by diet.

Getting a diagnosis

Talk to your doctor, especially if flu-like symptoms persist for an extended period of time. You can consult to see an allergist to be tested for various allergies. Your doctor may also prescribe various flu or allergy treatments to test their effectiveness.

Another trader could speak, he is a doctor - this individualTo test for a variety of food and environment-based allergens. He or she can also help you get your diet as a way to strengthen the immune system and improve your ability for you to combat viruses like influenza.

Get a flu shot

If you're living with flu-like symptoms, allergies could be the cause. But you should still protect against the flu. For the next year, to protect the body against the flu by arming with an up-to-date vaccination.
A number of people to avoid the vaccination for fear or ineffective or actually suffering from flu vaccine. This is unfortunately not done in a small percentage of cases. However, all in all benefit almost everyone.

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The swine flu or not - is entirely up to you!

Do not be ridiculous, if you swine flu, you can have the best doctors in the world you care, but the name of the game is prevention of influenza, and the question is always how to resist or swine flu ' influence of others for that matter? You need to get seeds in the body, swine flu contract, and that means you must enter into a hole.

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Boo Hoo, the first three homeopathic remedies for flu influenza

Are you worried about the flu? You need not be. Get the set with the most efficient means of flu season this year with the first three homeopathic remedies. If you have already voted the way homeopathy works, you know that each person reacts differently than the flu, and that often requires methods different for every person. However, I will tell you in secret that experienced homeopaths know. That is, once the flu season begins, there is often only one or two that seemGifts for many people. Must be covered in your hand and you and your family.

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Special Alert: Swine flu, Pregnancy & Fertility

With the swine flu now holds the potential of a global pandemic, there may be sicker than women who are pregnant worried.
This is especially true for those of you over 35, which are already struggling with fertility problems - or perhaps undergo fertility treatments now.
The good news is that pregnancy does not necessarily lead to an increased risk of contracting swine influenza - or any other kind of influence. It 'important to note that if you want to use theInfluenza during pregnancy, studies show that up to five times more likely to suffer serious complications - such as pneumonia. And this is often where they died more influence.
In view of the risks for the child, the greatest threat of diseases like influenza occur from high fever in the mother during pregnancy. constant body temperature over 101 degrees and 102 degrees, in particular, the risk of miscarriage and lead to an increased risk of neural tube defects in growthYour child - even life-threatening abnormalities of the brain and spine.
The good news is that there are things that make these problems even if you avoid getting the flu.
The first is to check your fever.The March of Dimes recommends acetaminophen (Tylenol), but ask your doctor to make sure it is good for you. You should also try to keep your body as cool with cold compresses and plenty to drink. Pregnancy is not the time to "sweat" aFever.
Second, continue to take prenatal vitamins - particularly folic acid 1000 mcg. Studies at the National Center for birth defects and developmental disorders was conducted in England, showed that women who have a multi-vitamin high in folic acid during pregnancy has taken their child back to the risk of birth defects birth, although she ran a fever during pregnancy.
In view of the two drugs for the treatment of swine flu - Tamiflu and Relenza - such as the influence of other drugs, arise fromthe FDA as a drug "Category C" - that is, they have not been tested for use during pregnancy. That is, it is important to note that no cases of birth defects or other serious health concerns associated with the use of these drugs in pregnancy, which have been used.
So, if your symptoms are severe, your doctor may suggest a course of two drugs, and if this is the case, experts say have no fear.
Finally, relax and not worry! At this time, stress and anxietyWorrying is sick because he probably does more harm than the risk of receiving the flu, which at this point is still quite small.
For more tips and information on swine flu and pregnancy, and some important details of what, if you contract the influenza virus, while the subject of infertility treatment, see this article on GettingPregnantNow.org.
For more health and beauty for women over 35 visits www.RedDressDiary.com.

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Bird flu: The lethal threat

These days all one in India seems to feel the "bird flu" is. The disease, which took a large part of India under control, has affected not only the sharpness of the poultry sector of the nation, but also sent Panic playing in the states - from Delhi to the north of Tamil Nadu in the south, in West Bengal East , the latter most affected. The World Health Organisation (WHO) said the current outbreak of bird flu in India, as reported in the worst caseto this day.

In areas affected chickens are slaughtered at a rapid pace, but still the disease is spreading its wings from one neighborhood to another, from one state to another. One of the main reasons for the rapid spread of avian influenza is the lack of awareness about the virus that causes the disease. Almost everyone knows that the disease is fatal, but not many people know what causes, how it spreads and how it can be prevented.

Considering the magnitude and distributionaccount of the avian influenza virus, its toll in India, India has decided to give notice, his readers an overview of the disease that affects the first time in 1997 in Hong Kong and 18 other people, claiming six lives.

What is avian influenza?

Bird flu, also known as bird flu is an influenza virus that infects birds. It may seem surprising, but the fact is that birds, like humans, are susceptible to influenza. Influenza viruses can be divided into three types(Tribe) - Influenza A, B and C. Type A is responsible for the deadly influenza pandemics. Type B can lead to smaller, local epidemics. Type C, less frequent and more stable than other strains, has milder symptoms. B and C are usually found only in humans, whereas type A infects humans and animals, including birds, pigs, horses, whales and seals.

Avian influenza is caused by the H5N1 virus and is a kind of influenza 'A'. It usually affectsChicken and other poultry birds like ducks. Previously, the infection was unknown in human avian influenza. But the virus from birds to humans in 1997, which killed six people in Hong Kong by the disease. According to the World Health Organization on February 1, 2008, provided about 225 people around the world, has succumbed to the disease in the last five years.

It should be noted that despite the highly contagious bird flu virus, it is rareDamage to the user. Things will be infected with an avian influenza virus, the animal is not "influence" is. Typically influenza viruses from one species and, in turn spreads adapted to other species. This happens more with the domestication of chickens and turkeys, as the bird flu virus mutates rapidly acquired by a species, and infects other species. This rapid expansion can be stopped only by killing all domestic birds in the area.

The H5N1Virus:

The H5N1 strain of the virus that causes bird flu. The highly pathogenic avian influenza virus subtype H5N1 is an emerging avian influenza virus has caused, has threatened the global concern as a possible pandemic. It 'simply referred to as "bird flu" or "bird flu".

Over the years, the H5N1 influenza virus into a strain that has infected birds developed more than any influenza strain in advance by the virus. This strain is more deadly than anypreviously known flu virus strain, and continues to evolve to be more common and more deadly.

H5N1 has killed millions of birds in Asia, Europe and Africa. Although the human transmission of the virus is rare, the recent cases of human infections, health officials worried. Health experts fear that the coexistence of human influenza viruses and avian influenza virus (H5N1 in particular) will be an opportunity for genetic material is exchanged betweenvirus species-specific, maybe a new virulent influenza strain that is easily transmissible and lethal to humans.

With bird flu engulfs almost the entire nation, where 26 people have been kept in solitary confinement with suspicious symptoms, the disease is referred to a potential threat to the country. The virus will spread like wildfire, and to prevent the disease affects people, it is important to have a full understanding of how bird flu affectedPeople who have symptoms of the disease, its treatment and prevention.

Read our second special report in this series to learn more about bird flu to protect yourself and your family from it.

Other articles by the same author And More News From India Visit http://www.headlinesindia.com

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General information on avian influenza (bird flu)

The World Health Organisation (WHO) makes the reports and updates on new human cases of avian influenza infection. The only species that can cause serious illness to people is Influenza A / H5N1 virus, initially affected chickens, ducks and other birds through the process of mutation can be pathogenic, are too high. Because highly pathogenic virus for long periods in tissue, water and the environment, particularly at low temperatures for the transmission of very easily survive in chickenand other birds through direct contact with feces and secretions of infected birds, eggs, food, water, cages, equipment, vehicles and clothing. The health authorities to monitor human disease associated with avian influenza. In Hong Kong, the first infection occurred in both humans and poultry and were about 1.5 million chickens killed.

In China and Hong Kong, avian influenza A (H9N2) virus infection affects two children recovered. The source was not known, butThe suspect poultry.

In 2002 an outbreak of H7N2 in poultry in Virginia was discovered, but no human victim. Canada, 2004: Human infections with H7N3 virus in poultry workers.

Thailand and Vietnam, human infections with H5N1 virus. Azerbaijan, Cambodia, China, Djibouti, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Thailand, Turkey, 2006: Human infections with H5N1 virus after contact with infected poultry or infected with Swang death occurred. Cambodia, China, Indonesia,Thailand and Vietnam, 2005, two people infected with the H5N1 virus following consumption of raw duck blood. China two cases of infection by pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) were confirmed in a family trip through China. Netherlands, 2003, outbreaks of influenza A (H7N7) in most plants, occurred after that in pigs and humans, 90 people were reported confrmed with H7N7 avian influenza virus in association with cases of conjunctivitis in the eyes, a death of a veterinarianrespiratory distress syndrome and other complications after direct contact with infected poultry. In New York, 2003 A case was registered as a patient with respiratory symptoms, which was recovered in a few weeks, and tests confirmed avian influenza A (H7N2) virus. Signs and symptoms of bird flu in humans are similar to other influenza viruses: a sore throat and cough, fever, muscle weakness and / or pain, eye infections with life-threatening complications such as:severe viral pneumonia, respiratory distress syndrome, multiple organ failure.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration suggests the following antiviral drugs to prevent and treat avian influenza: amantadine, rimantadine, oseltamivir and zanamivir. This can be demonstrated, not always effective, the virus that are resistant to amantadine and rimantadine. In the United States are no longer in use for the (prophylactic) treatment or prevention of influenza A.Specialists are monitoring the resistance of avian influenza A, influenza viruses for antiviral drugs.

For more information on avian influenza, or bird flu vaccine http://www.bird-flu-info-center.com/bird-flu-vaccine.htm on this page

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Tips to ensure your animal influenza

Influenza is a kind of disease that has suffered slightly from anyone, even animals. So if you have pets at home, you should be very aware of their health. For your animal influenza, which can protect as assigned by the people in your home, there are some things you should do.
First, before and after contact with your pets, you should wash your hands, it is especially for you or your family members, the flu-like symptoms or flu. In this case, it is necessary to ensure soapcleaning. If your pets away from home where you do not wash their hands, always available for anti-bacterial, so as to sterilize their hands.
Secondly, never your pet lick your nose and mouth. This is because the mouth and nose are places where germs grow and gain are. Although licking is one way, the affection is not allowed, you should take your pets to this matter, especially if the condition of your body does not show well.
Thirdly, alwaysThey cover coughs and sneezes. You should do with your pets around you. The cover your sneezes and coughs, your pets suffering from influenza be prevented. For better, that contact with your pets until you feel good.
Fourth, visit your veterinarian as soon as possible. You should immediately if you find that the animals are in poor condition, especially if they have flu symptoms. Symptoms may include fever, runny nose are, lethargy and loss ofAppetite. With your pets to the vet, your pets will be of influence.

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The best natural treatment for pigs

To prepare for the flu and to help treat the flu, it can be an effective natural remedy for swine flu arm. Swine influenza is a new flu virus, the first disease in Mexico and the United States has led in March 2009 and has spread rapidly throughout the world. Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Influenza is spread by coughing, sneezing or touching infected objects and is expected to infect millions of people.

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How to know if you have the flu?

Flu symptoms - like headache, fever, chills, muscle aches and dry cough - appear anywhere from 1 to 4 days after a person has been exposed to the virus. Someone with the flu, a temperature as high as 104 ° Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius). People with the flu often feel achy and exhausted and may lose their appetite.

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Treatment of stomach flu

Contracting stomach flu symptoms can be very depressing! Closely related to the toilet in the light. Diarrhea is a major stomach flu symptoms. Some people also experience vomiting. What happened to cause flu-like symptoms that cells of the stomach along the small intestine is damaged by a viral infection.
The stomach flu is a health problem, which is difficult to contain, using home remedies. This does not mean that there is no cure for the disease. L 'real problem is the containment pf. Remedies include essentially swallowing something, and it is almost impossible to swallow when you have a bad stomach flu, simply because everything that goes down to seconds.
Rotavirus is the leading cause of stomach flu in children under 5. When rotavirus infects the intestinal walls of children have symptoms, fever, vomiting and dehydration, which belong to extend for a period of 2-5 days. In adults, symptomsvery mild disease and rarely acute.
The tips here are common ingredients that are probably already in your kitchen. Eating some of these foods on a regular basis will be a step in preventing the flu. By reducing the impact of the infection.
What is influenza? It 'also known as the flu is contagious respiratory infection. It can be transmitted through the air to breathe when someone sneezes or coughs influenza. L 'The symptoms are similar to colds, including dry cough, sore throat, aching joints and muscles, fatigue, rarely nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and upset stomach.
I was a bit 'Whipper Snapper. As mentioned earlier, if your body loses electrolytes in the fight against the flu, your body dry, especially if you can not keep food or liquids. If you are dehydrated, your body is not fully utilized, so that the body of the child not to fightInfluenza at maximum strength.
With what we know about the benefits of coconut water today, because the flu: a step further and ice chips do with the coconut water? Rehydrate you faster than water and calms the stomach. There are also several flavors, natural fruit, ice lollies, you could do with.
Therefore, a different vaccine is needed each year to prevent infection. Influenza (flu) virus droplets can be easily distributedcoughed or sneezed into the air and touching the door handles and other objects that have been treated by others who are infected, the flu is very contagious.
A person can become infected by coming to close contact with these body fluids or by contact with contaminated surfaces. Most infections are the result of aerosol in the air, even if the form of distribution is the deadliest so far not entirely clear. The most common flu viruses are easily inactivated by detergents, disinfectants andSunlight.
The influenza virus attacks the body's cells and mutated in different forms, because people who received the flu vaccine may still sick with the flu. The virus is transmitted through direct contact with an infected person, such as by inhaling droplets coughed or sneezed as they moved. You can also deal with items such as door handles, and a laptop that an infected person may have been distributed in touch.

Walking for Healthy training certification

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