What are the symptoms of colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer is currently the second most common cancer in the United States and causes more than 50,000 deaths in the country every year, and for the record, that's about as many American soldiers who died in the entire Vietnam conflict. This is an especially tragic and frustrating fact because the majority of deaths were caused by cancer can be prevented or reduced.
Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea,Blood in the stool, and sometimes constipation and sometimes even blocked bowels. It can range from very mild and extremely hard. There are cases of colon cancer, which are almost without symptoms until the last stages.
It is not a good idea to wait until you felt sign before learning about the disease and measures taken. If you develop these symptoms, the epidemic has probably in the middle or late stages, andis a high probability that it has spread to other areas of the body. Once it has spread to other parts of the body, your likelihood of survival decreases dramatically.
If you catch colon cancer in the earlier stages, there is an extremely high probability that you will recover and survive well. May be more than 90% of people diagnosed with an early stage in order to undergo a successful surgical removal of the tumor before it spread to other parts. It is important toNote that in the early stages, the signs are rarely seen, it is only those who regularly go for a colonoscopy or colonic examination will be able to catch the disease early.
This cancer also has a strong tendency for the family. It is a genetic trait for the development of polyps, which are passed on from one generation to the next, and this train greatly increases your chances of the disease. If you are parents, grandparents, siblings, or even havewill be diagnosed with this disease, there is a good chance you can have these polyps gene, and it is especially important that you get checked regularly once you reach the age of 40 years.
Of course, it is extremely important to have regular bowel examination, regardless of whether the disease runs in your family or not. Also contrary to some myths, women are as likely to develop colon cancer as compared to men. People of African decent seem to be particularly susceptible to this disease,and should always be the first test starts even earlier than 40 years. Nobody likes the idea of a colon examination, as they certainly unpleasant, but late in colorectal cancer have clearly worse.
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