Skin Cancer - Types, causes, symptoms and treatment

In recent years, the incidence of skin cancer around the world has escalated and the condition now affects millions of people worldwide. The usual cause is prolonged exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays of sunlight. The risk is higher if someone lives or takes leave in areas with intensive SO The recent abolition cause of the ozone layer, believes that part of the increase in the incidence of play, because the ozone layer acts as a shield against harmful UV --Light. Moreover, in the solarium, which use ultraviolet light to cause this type of cancer. People who have fair skin, are particularly vulnerable because they have low melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color and protects it from harmful UV rays of the sun.

The four main types are;

. Melanoma, a pigmented skin tumor that is very serious and can be life threatening.

. Basal cell carcinoma, the most common skin tumor, whichis locally invasive and destructive (it destroys tissue in the immediate vicinity), but is not widespread in the rule or lead to death.

. Squamous cell carcinoma, which is three times less common than basal cell carcinoma, but behaves in a similar manner.

. Bowen's disease, a cousin of squamous cell carcinomas, but more superficial, involving only the most outer layer of the skin.

The typical basal cell carcinoma is a raised round-oval, pearl-like bump with some redStaining by red blood vessels on or in it well. Sometimes several small bumps form a circle. They bleed easily and sometimes ulcerate. Squamous cell carcinoma is less well defined, irregular, poorly defined borders and may be a crusty, scaly, red height with a rough surface. Bowen's disease is usually a red or pink plaque height, as with very clear boundaries. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma tend to occur exposed areas of ITSkin.

Causes: The cause of cancer is not known. It is believed, however, that squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma to an accumulation of sunlight for a lifetime together. People with light complexion, these tumors more frequently than people with dark complexions. Malignant melanoma is likely to be associated with several severe sunburns in childhood, adolescence or young adulthood in combination. She also appears frequently in lightly pigmented people, especiallyPeople with blue or green eyes, freckles and almost white skin. A tendency to develop melanoma seems to be in the family.


. Lesions with persistent ulcers or bleeding

. Persistent skin lesion that changes) the size, shape or color (skin lesions.

Diagnosis: A biopsy should be performed on suspicious lesions. In the assessment of pigmented lesions, the physician usually looks for a good and bad characters. Bad signs are

. UnequalPigmentation or color of the lesion

. Irregular edges

. Asymmetry

. Marked Height

. Large size (larger than a pencil eraser)


Medical treatment: Surgical treatment was needed.

Surgical Treatment: All the above types can cut and removal of the tumor to be treated. Surgical removal leads to a better than 90 percent cure rate for nonpigmented tumors (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cellCarcinoma and Bowen's disease). Alternative methods for the destruction of the cancer include the use of liquid nitrogen), freezing (cryosurgery or) with a curette scraping and burning of the tissue with electric cautery (electro desiccation and curettage.

Treatment of melanoma depends on the thickness of the tumor and the depth of invasion, when examined with a microscope. If the tumor is thin and superficial examination of the excised lymph nodes draining the skin and surrounding areaChemotherapy.

Prevention: prolonged sun exposure increases the risk for this cancer, so that the limitation of exposure to the sun is the best prevention, especially for those bright complexion. Most occur on the head, neck and hands, clothing and footwear (wide-brimmed hats and long sleeves) and the use of sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 15 provides adequate protection.

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