If you have prostate cancer symptoms?

The prostate is just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is a small, large walnut tree, the part of the reproductive system of a man. It surrounds the urethra is the tube that transports urine from the body. And since it can also entail various urinary tract. I suspect there may be a dietary connection to prostate cancer. I cured myself naturally of breast cancer and others have recovered for all types ofTo live> cancer using a diet food.

Prostate cancer is deadly, but because it grows slowly and can be cured if they are caught early. Prostate cancer is characterized by 'grade' and 'stage. "Grade is to indicate how quickly a cancer is growing - the higher the score, the more likely it is that the cancer will spread and grow rapidly. The size and extent of the tumor determines its position. In most men, prostate cancer grows so slowlyMen, they will not even know that they are the condition.

Weak or interrupted flow of urine and pain or burning during urination may be observed symptoms. One of the most common symptoms is the inability to urinate, and if you have this symptom, you should immediately verified. The need to urinate frequently, especially at night is another common symptom.

If you blood in urine or semen and frequent pain or stiffness in lower back, hips or upperSchenkel, these symptoms of cancer. But with one or more cancer symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have prostate cancer. Additional symptoms that may be associated with cancer in combination, are bone pain or tenderness, and abdominal pain.

A urinalysis may indicate if there blood in the urine, which are not possible with cancer. Another test used in the rule, if prostate cancer symptoms are present, is adigital rectal examination (DRE) performed by your doctor, proctologist or sometimes an oncologist. A biopsy confirmed prostate, usually are diagnosed with cancer.

A chest x-ray can be done to determine whether there is a spread of cancer called metastasis. Note that many experts report that PSA tests are not reliable, and they are looking for better ways to diagnose prostate cancer. Also urine or prostatic fluid cytology may reveal unusual cells.

Drugs may havemany side effects, including hot flashes and loss of sexual desire, so consider this carefully before you commit to take all of them. Many men simply want the best treatment they can get, but what is important to choose the treatment that is best for you. What you can do now is to first understand what exactly your treatment options and what you are doing is putting on the.

A new therapy is at the tip that the body's own immune system cells of tumors, the recruits to destroy anew approach to men with advanced prostate cancer treatment that, if the FDA approves the highly individualized treatment. In patients whose health risk of surgery is unacceptably high, is often the chosen conventional alternative radiotherapy, think it through but if you want to expose themselves to this. And who, given the operation, the benefits, risks and the extent of the procedure should be known, and how it affect your daily life.

Be aware that manyMen these days choose natural treatment options and refrain from any surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Some drugs with numerous side-effects are used to treat advanced prostate cancer, blocks the production of testosterone, as chemical castration. It has the same result as surgical removal of the testicles. Whether radiation is as good as removing the prostate is debatable and the decision to decide if anything, can be difficult. The body has memory for all radiationand surgery has many disadvantages.

If more chemotherapy is decided after the first round of chemotherapy, most men receive further doses on an outpatient basis in a clinic or doctor's office. Prostate tumors require testosterone to grow. The reduction in testosterone levels is used to prevent the further growth and spread of cancer. Medicines can be used to adjust the level of testosterone as hormonal manipulation, but consider this approach carefully.

Diet Tips- Use of linseed oil in a daily dark green salad. A good diet, natural treatment approach is to put all acidic foods, which are inflammation, ie foods that are dead to avoid. Eating living plant foods. Drink plenty of pure filtered water, at least one liter per day.

Liquid cod liver oil or fish oil supplements, consider every day. Buy lacinato kale and juice in your juicer with some sweet carrots. For a simple increase fiber, mix in two tablespoons of ground flaxseed into raw applesauce,made of two or three apples in a food processor. Grind the flax seeds in an old coffee grinder adjusted.

Add a small handful of kale or spinach to your fruit smoothie and mix well. No one will ever know. Eat at least one, preferably two organic apples with the skin on every day. Put two tablespoons of coconut oil, the kind that is raw, unrefined and undeodorized, in your smoothies. Coconut oil is plant-based, not animal, and is actually good for us.

Share siteslike this, just a starting point where we begin to learn more about prostate cancer. Once you are diagnosed, they want to join a support group whose members share their experiences and problems. But be careful, because many conventional treatment, and if you choose a natural treatment, you may want to exchange information with others who are using the same approach. It is important to inform as widely as possible and read the latest books, ebooks and research availablein terms of both conventional and other natural approaches.

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