Asbestos Induced Abdominal Cancer

Abdominal Asbestos Mesothelioma is the official name of Physicians for a rare but dangerous type of cancer that is used is generally caused by the ihalation or ingestion of asbestos fibers. Asbestos is a fibrous material flame retardant which is widely used in most industries, and as such people who work in these environments are at highest risk.

Due to the type of asbestos fiber, it is small fibers are easily inhaled by humans, and it can also cling to the Skin and clothing, so that the people who work not directly exposed to asbestos or asbestos-mesothelioma abdominal contract. People who are with those who have been living with asbestos are also at risk and can still contract this cancer.

The most common cause mesothelioma if inhaled or swallowed, the particles or asbestos, which leads the development of malignant cells in the mucous membrane that covers most of the internal organs of the body. These malignant cells, which causeCancer. Fortunately, it is not a contagious disease and is relatively rare, only about three thousand cases are diagnosed each year.


Mesothelioma symptoms are not obviously penetrated to about twenty to fifty years after the asbestos fibers into the body, so often the people who are diagnosed in their middle and later years in life. One of the ways to detect Abdominal asbestos mesothelioma is characterized by sudden and rapid weight loss, and swellingaccompanied by stabbing abdominal pain due to an increase in body fluids in the abdominal lining pressure.

Another set of symptoms are difficulty in defecation, bleeding and fever similar to intestinal flu. The problem is with the symptoms of abdominal asbestos mesothelioma, is that they often misdiagnosed because they are easily taken as symptoms of a different, less dangerous diseases.


The impact ofAbdominal mesothelioma, asbestos can ultimately fatal if left unchecked. One of the most dangerous effects is the development of tumors in the stomach due to fluid build up and the presence of malignant cells in the body. The tumors cause the formation of blood clots, as mentioned, and is from the abdomen upwards in order to spread the chest, both the heart and lungs.

Some of the serious consequences of abdominal asbestos mesothelioma include bleeding in internal organsIf the malignant cells grow to a sufficient level. If we do nothing, this is fatal internal bleeding. Pulmonary embolism is another effect of this disease, the formation of lumps of dried or clotted blood in the lungs. Again, this is ultimately fatal if left unchecked.


Abdominal asbestos mesothelioma is treated in a variety of fashions, and while it is usually approached as any other type of cancer, some of the usual methods for treating the more commonForms of cancer does not prove as effective. For one thing, the surgery to remove malignant cells in a very low survival rate among patients with an average life expectancy of only 5 years have shown after the operation.

The successful treatment of the abdominal mesothelioma asbestos from the general chemotherapy and aa relatively new method of heated intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy was known to be due. This method combines chemotherapy with a heat-treatment, the operationremove the malignant cells without damage to surrounding healthy tissue. The application of heat to the malignant cells also allows for more efficient introduction into the body of medicinal substances used in chemotherapy.

Avoidance / Safety Tips

On a personal level would be one of the most obvious ways to avoid exposure to this type of cancer will remain in places, the high concentrations of asbestos. There are many different forms of asbestos is nowdeveloped, and those who were as causing abdominal mesothelioma asbestos has been found mainly in developed versions of the 1970s and 1980s. Modern fire-retardant materials are much safer and in some parts of the world were commissioned to replace asbestos completely.

Because asbestos fibers are usually taken with or inhaled to cause mesothelioma, then use a face mask and the avoidance of food to asbestos is a good safety profile practice. However, because the fibers are invisible to thenaked eye and can actually present on skin and clothing, is another safety tip to carry out a completely different set of clothes when working around asbestos and to contribute both to remove all clothing and wash after exposure. This minimizes the risk that the fibers will be home to one of the families met after work and hence to prevent abdominal mesothelioma caused by asbestos.


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