Symptoms and treatment of colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer is a silent disease that only the symptoms of advanced stage. It has a long latency period, it can be detected in the precancerous stage.


Colon cancer early symptoms include blood in the stool or in a position to the motion suggesting that the colon is blocked pass. Frequent diarrhea, constipation, and unexplained abdominal pain are early symptoms, but they may be early symptoms of other forms ofCancer. Weight loss, if there are no changes to diet or exercise routine, it may be another early signs of cancer of the gastro-intestinal and other cancers

Risk Factors

There are many studies that show that diet plays an important role. A combination of a diet high in protein and fat seems to be what causes cancer of the colon. Genes play an important role in increasing the risk of smoking.


An occultBlood test to determine the presence of blood in the stool. If the result of the presence of blood, the best way to diagnose colorectal cancer shows by adding a colon scope.


Treatments for colon cancer depends on the stage of the disease and whether the cancer recurred. The overall health of cancer patients is also an important factor in determining treatment.

It is highly recommended that thesesubject with a family history of colon cancer colorectal cancer screening earlier. The good news is that when cancer is detected early, when it is still confined to the mucosa, the healing of up to 90% by the operation.

From: Ken Soh

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