Cough Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The act of expelling air from the lungs suddenly and loudly, often to keep the airways free of irritants. To delete a rapid removal of air from the lungs is usually around the airways in the lungs of fluid, mucus, or material. Although bimbos.

The causes of cough: There's nothing more annoying than a recurring cough. It may be the cause of much embarrassment and appear when you least want it. With the amount of pollutants nowAir, the possible causes of cough are wide ranging.

Allergies. Allergies can breathe air polluted by the Americans to pollen pet in the spring and fall of dust or flakes of skin are caused. A dry cough caused by allergies often associated with sneezing, itchy eyes, watery eyes and a runny nose. The cough can be very stressful and you should seek treatment to find relief.

Cough Treatment: The treatment of cough will depend largely on the severity assumedand the underlying cause.

The treatment of acute cough is primarily to reduce coughing also directed to treat the underlying cause.

For the symptomatic treatment of cough can be made available through over-the-counter or prescription cough medicine.

You have severe coughing or coughing that can disturb sleep remedies that include drugs. If these are prescribed, take care to avoid alcohol, driving, and driving a heavy machinery duringDrug use.

Cough Remedies: The cayenne makes running nose, which really cleans your sinuses in order to be able to breathe freely for a long time, and honey to the throat makes you feel better, relaxed, alcohol and shortened the Lemon mucus and gives you more vitamin C we all need when we are sick ... I also forgot to mention that I want hot water, add to warm the cup before.

Children and adults have died after takingsimple cough remedy - but it is the fault of the doctor who prescribed the wrong. Health regulators have found that children who were too young, the drug was prescribed, while the adults had been told, a dose that was too powerful to be taken.

Symptoms of cough: To evaluate the symptoms of cough

There are so many different types of cough. Each type of cough is distinct and could help indicate what illness you have. Here we look at the bigTypes of cough symptoms and possible causes.

It 'a dry cough?

* Could allergies.

* There may be a cold.

* It 'possible that the flu.

* It could be the beginning of bronchitis.

This is a moist, productive cough?

* You may have pneumonia.

* Maybe bronchitis.

* There may be an influence.

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