Leukemia symptoms

Leukemia is a very common disease and unfortunately, the exact cause of leukemia is still unknown. People who suffer from this disease may have infections very easily.

patients with leukemia, as well as a large number of leukemia cells and a reduced number of red and white. They also have a shortage of blood platelets that help blood to clot. Red blood cells carry oxygen and white to fight infection. If the number is lower than normal andtheir place is taken by leukemia cells, people begin to suffer from many conditions, also known as symptoms of leukemia. Some common symptoms of leukemia are:

- Chills, fever, and many other characters are similar to those of influenza;

- Repeated infections, bruising or bleeding very easily from the nose or gums can also specify that you are suffering from leukemia;

- A general state of tiredness and fatigue is also very common in cases of leukemia;

- Unexpected weight loss orloss of appetite, you can say what you are suffering from leukemia;

- Swelling of the lymph nodes or the spleen, and bone or joint pain are symptoms of leukemia as well;

- Pallor, sweating, and sometimes anemia may indicate a case of leukemia;

If you are suffering from acute form of leukemia, then the symptoms appear very quickly, and even worse in a very short period of time. On the other hand, if with chronic leukemia, you can notThe symptoms for a very long time. If they appear, are characters leukemia at the beginning and then start to slightly worse, but get gradually.

Also, if you have symptoms of acute leukemia with others as well. Because leukemia cells collect in your brain or spinal cord, vomiting, frequent headaches, seizures, confusion and loss of control over the muscles may also be displayed. These cells collect in the testicles, leading to swelling, which meansLeukemia. In addition to the central nervous system, organs or other body parts are affected by leukemia. The lungs, kidneys and digestive tract are affected only some parts of leukemia.

When we suffer from the chronic form of leukemia, these abnormal cells accumulate in certain parts of the body, hit some of the differences in acute leukemia. The skin, testis, nervous system and even your eyes will be possibly suffering from leukemia.

The number of leukemia cells travel through your body to get the number of symptoms that patients with leukemia.

For more resources on various topics related leukemia as childhood leukemia, acute leukemia and many more http://www.leukemia-guide.com visit.

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