Colds and flu prevention and remedies

The common cold and influenza is a major cause of lost work and school absenteeism in the United States. Flu symptoms can be treated like the common cold and heavy. Prevention is the ideal destination if you avoid, colds and flu. Since there is no cure a cold or the flu, our body must take its course, to fight the virus. Strengthening the immune system is a proactive approach to prevent colds and flu. The following suggestions will help you balance yourImmune system.

Colds and flu prevention tips

Wash your hands regularly
The best way to break the chain of infection is to continue to practice good personal hygiene care, wash your hands! Most cold and flu viruses are spread through direct contact. Someone who has the flu sneezes on his hand and then touches the telephone, keyboard or doorknob. The germs can live for hours - only to be taken from - in some cases weeksnext person who touches the same object. How to wash your hands often. If no sink is available, alcohol-based hand rub sanitizer on your hands.

Healthy weight

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