Swine Flu - The Facts

This battle of swine flu first hit the news in 2009. This seasonal flu, which presumably came from pigs soon spread worldwide and has led the WHO to declare a pandemic. Despite all the coverage, many people are still treated in exactly what is confusing.
Swine flu is technically known as the H1N1 virus, which is derived from the variation of swine and avian (bird) flu. These swine flu that we are fighting now has nothing to do with hogs and pigs, which was the only way to win with this name assimilar to that of swine flu in its genetics. The mill voice was soon in full swing, people stopped eating meat or other products under the misconception that pork swine flu, which is absolute rubbish would capture.
And 'in fact, a respiratory disease that is very easy to pass to others through coughing, sneezing and a virus that normally travels, and has a very low mortality.
Only 1-4% of patients die, and those few unfortunates are usually secondaryDiseases, the deterioration of the effects of influenza virus. It `sa sad that people die every day from complications of colds and other flu viruses, but don` t make the news, where, of course, deaths from influenza virus ever.
The symptoms of fever, one or more of the following, cough, fever, muscle aches, extreme tiredness, and in many cases, diarrhea. These are very similar to the symptoms that you get from most of the fireplaces in season, and it has proved difficult at firstSwine flu diagnosis in contrast to normal seasonal influenza. The drugs Tamiflu and Relenza have been developed rapidly and began physicians to prescribe over the phone to potential victims so that further contamination of them do not come with the surgery.
In recent months it has almost completely disappeared from the news, so many of us think that it is completely gone. Of course it hasn `t, but drugs and vaccination has significantly reduced the number of people affected, andreturns to its previous state, when it was first announced. Viruses such as these are extremely unpredictable disappear, not simple, they are transformed at the end of the season. Why wasn `ta normal flu, it makes sense that passes through the winter disappears, but it is also thanks to one of the above, the number of new patients now rarely mentioned.
Those who contract the influenza virus is rising from it, without prejudice in general. Tamiflu is the most commonly prescribed drugs, andgeneral rules on how much rest and the amount of liquids have been made on the day, normal things that you will suffer when the influence would be. A rest of some days and most were back on his feet, with the exception of a few unfortunate that we have already mentioned, who suffered complications and, unfortunately, have lost their lives.
It will come with most viruses, this is a fact. We hope that the pharmaceutical company to stop the ball with them, as they were with the swine flu, the pandemic and turningIn an epidemic.

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