Swine flu and ordinary flu - similarities and differences

The year 2009 marks an important event in the history of the treatment of influenza. The virus, H1N1 pandemic influenza, which had infected the previous year only pigs caused. Experts have discovered a new H1N1 strain infected in 2009, man. So the term is generally associated with swine flu in a new type of influenza that can be transmitted from pigs to humans. The difference between ordinary influenza (flu) can only be diagnosed by a test of influence, because their symptoms oftensimilar.
Upon discovery of the swine flu virus was new, because infected humans before. This implies that the human immune system had no previous experience of fighting this particular strain of the virus. Normal flu is relatively easier to manage, because many of us have had the flu at some point in our lives.
The annual influenza vaccination can and prescription medications such as Tamiflu, oseltamivir due to help combat various viral strains, the flu season. A new H1N1Vaccine was developed after the 2009 eruption of the people for the protection against swine flu.
The influenza A virus H1N1 can infect healthy people and young people and is stronger than the regular flu strains that mainly people with weakened immune systems. If we consider the possibility of treatment, Tamiflu is indicated for the treatment and prevention of influenza increased in persons aged 1 o. So it is normal and swine flu, oseltamivir can be useful.
It is not easy to distinguish the two conditionstheir symptoms. The most common symptoms are fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, fatigue and, possibly, nausea and diarrhea.
There is not much air in contrast to the way both seasonal flu and swine flu of an agent to another. All influenza viruses are transmitted mainly by coughing or sneezing of people infected with flu. You can also catch the flu by touching something or someone carrying the virus and then touching your nose or mouth.
AThe main difference between seasonal flu and swine flu is that people over 65 most at risk of being infected with seasonal flu and swine flu. This is probably because the elderly were immunity to several new types of influenza strains to develop.
Unlike normal flu, swine flu progresses rapidly and can cause severe respiratory symptoms within 5 days after infection with H1N1. For this reason, the recommended hospital care, to effectively combat the swine fluInfluence.
If you experience flu-like symptoms, talk to your doctor and maybe do a test run influence. No matter what kind of influence, the treatment must start early.
If your doctor recommends Tamiflu for you, be sure to complete the entire treatment period. Tell your doctor if you have kidney, liver, heart or lung disease, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding at the time.

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