The symptoms of juvenile diabetes

What are the signs and symptoms of juvenile diabetes? Juvenile diabetes is a sudden burst. The cause of juvenile diabetes is destruction of insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas, which produces glucose into energy through the body the necessary changes. The most common in children is type 1 diabetes mellitus. The first signs and symptoms of the disease are:
What are the symptoms juvenile diabetes?
Diabetes in adolescents is usually published inForm of type 1 diabetes. More than 90 percent of children under the age of 16 suffer from this type of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which cells of the body starts to attack good cells, treated them as enemies. This leads to the destruction of the tissues and vital organs over time.
The symptoms of juvenile diabetes
Frequent bathroom trips - High blood sugar increases the amount of blood that is filtered by the kidneys,resulting in an increase in urinary excretion.
Thirsty all the time - the dehydration caused by high urinary excretion leads to increased thirst.
Increased hunger and food - The lack of insulin keeps the blood sugar, hunger for the energy of the cells they need to function. Because of this perceived gap energy, the body reacts with pain of hunger.
It is not always clear that a child has type 1 or juvenile diabetes. Some of the symptoms seem to mean childrenProblems that occur. Nausea / vomiting can be misconstrued as the flu. Irritable, tired and listless, the behavior of all children must be returned at one time or another. The discovery of juvenile diabetes during a visit to a doctor for another condition, such as vaginal yeast infection for girls or even pass a routine examination.
Eye disorders - that should not be attributed too much time watching television or computer screen.
ScentedBreathing can be perceived by parents and can just as well, one thing has eaten the child, be attributed.
Increased appetite may be noticed, but, of course, children grow up big and hungry - because a parent should absolutely consider this as a bad thing?
Heavy breathing is another symptom that can be masked by any number of respiratory diseases, which often appear in children today.
These symptoms may occur alone, but because diabetes is aDisease affects the whole body functions, there is a good chance that these symptoms begin slowly, but as a group. If one is tangible, it's a good idea to ask the child if they experience any of the other characters are known.
The sooner the symptoms of juvenile diabetes are recognized early the child to the doctor for tests to be taken to properly diagnose this disease. Diabetes in children, while incurable, can be treated successfully with a combination of insulinTherapy and nutrition. Untreated diabetes can lead to a whole series of complications that can seriously affect every person with diabetes lead to capacity, a normal life.

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