What is influenza and natural remedies for the house to influence

The flu is also called the flu. It is an illness with fever, chills, cough, muscle aches, headache causes, and from time to time, ear pain or problems with the sinuses.
The flu is caused by the influenza virus. A virus is a bug that is so small that you can not see, by any means a powerful microscope.
Influenza, usually abbreviated to "influence" is a very contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza A or B viruses cause.
Influence appears more often in winter and early spring. The attack of the influenza virusthe body by diffusion from side to side, top and / or lower respiratory tract.
Influenza, or flu is a respiratory disease caused by a virus. Influenza is highly contagious and often spread by coughing and sneezing of a person who is infected.
The influence is incredible that nobody gets, but you've got it all and the end of his life. One of the most common types of flu, the stomach flu.
Youcould eat with the family day, and then doubled in the other bath. Before you jump in flu-like symptoms, you should know that the stomach flu is also called viral gastroenteritis.
And the influence
Influenza is caused by three types (strains) of viruses - Influenza A, B and C. Type A is responsible for the deadly influenza pandemics (worldwide epidemics) that anyone suffering from 10 to 40 years, while type B causes smaller, limited to a small area of ​​epidemics.
Type CExaggerated and causes only mild symptoms. The flu virus is usually passed from person to person through droplets of transmission of infection (ie, sneezing or coughing).
The symptoms of influenza
1. Fever
2. Cough and / or neck pain
3. Runny or stuffy nose
4. Headache, body and / or dead hurts
5. Chills
6. Fatigue
Home remedies for flu
Since the flu is spreading to the smallest amount, you should stay at home until fully recovered.
It 'better to stay in bed sick and tired of you to do something different feel. If work to be performed, although ill, he is vulnerable to further complications.
Fluids are important because they can be much needed nutrients when you do not feel like eating dehydrated, and also to maintain it.
Drink plenty of fluids such as water, soups, legumes or non-use of vegetables and other liquids such as fruit juices.
Beet and carrot juice, both rich in nutrients. Fruit juice mixed with water equal toPinch of sugar and the necessary amount of glucose.
Bathing the room will be less the discomfort of a cough, sore throat or dry nasal passages. If you blow your nose all the time, is sore and red.
Lubricate the nose with jellies fuel to reduce irritation.
To condense tired aching muscles, relieve pain with heat. Enjoy the ease your feet in warm water every headache or nasal blockage
Make sure your room is full of fresh airlead at all times. Prevent shivering hard hot, tight clothes.
Place a large ball to give you a back massage, because it is the immune system to fight the flu. While the flu, it is easy to eat. snack of fruit, cereals, cooked, etc.
If a sore or scratchy throat accompany the common cold get relief from gargling with salt water solution. It will wash any collected secretions in the throat.

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