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Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease caused by sex with someone of the virus spreads. Many people who have genital herpes do not even know of being in the early stages. Genital herpes, or herpes simplex type two, differs from one type of herpes simplex, which is less severe and causes cold sores on the mouth. The symptoms of genital herpes are sores on the genitals, flu-like symptoms, fever and swollen glands. Genital herpes can be transmitted through oral sex ortouching a herpes sore and do not wash their hands. There is no cure for herpes and the virus will remain with the infected person forever, but only evident in the occasional outburst. If you have genital herpes, you should consult a doctor and take medication for it, but there are things you can do at home to facilitate the virus in the meantime.

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