The current situation of avian influenza

Avian influenza is known to be very wild and domestic birds and pigs, but rare cases of infections in humans are affected to date. Since 2004, however, more than 200 confirmed cases of avian influenza virus detected in humans and analyzed by the World Health Organization. Infection with influenza A virus is believed that through direct contact with sick birds or their secretions have been possible. Scientists are still looking for the method, such as low and high pathogenic strains of the virus couldAffect humans.

monitor health care organizations around the world continuously human cases of bird flu, even though no actual human being to human transmission of the disease were recorded. The bird flu virus is a real danger to humans as capable of mutations is carried out by combining with the human types of influenza, which could lead to devastating epidemics, when disease spread from human to human could. Since 1997, all suspected bird flu in humans have been closelybe observed.

The first cases of transmission from bird to humans in Hong Kong was infected in 1997, causing 6 deaths after 18 people were. About 1.5 million birds were destroyed in order to destroy the source of infection. The H5N1 type of influenza was not a direct transmission from person to person.

In 1999, China had been found in two other cases of infection, when two children were sick, but the real source was not found. Both patients recoveredafter infection with the H9N2 virus of low pathogenicity.

In the State of Virginia in 2002, one person showed serological signs of infection after the poultry farm was contaminated with the H7N2.

Another situation of infection with H5N1 occurred in Hong Kong in 2003 when two members of a family became ill and one of them died. It is believed that contact with the virus during a visit to China, but its exact origin has not been established. A second family memberdied of a respiratory disease, but further testing was done.

Netherlands in 2003, several cases of infection appeared in some poultry, pigs and humans were involved in the disease. 89 people have been infected with the H7N7 virus and showed symptoms such as fever, muscle aches, conjunctivitis and cough. One person died of respiratory distress syndrome and complications.

In 2003 a child was found in the low pathogenic H9N2 in Hong Kong, but suffersa full recovery. In the same year in New York in a patient with respiratory symptoms was found after testing, with H7N2, and he's safely back in a couple of weeks.

In 2004 in Canada, the type of H7N3 virus infected some workers on outbreaks in poultry breeding, but all showed mild eye infection. H5N1 occurred in 2004 in Vietnam and Thailand, where a possible transmission from person to person appeared. Other cases of human infection with H5N1 occurred in Cambodia, China, Indonesia,Egypt, Iraq and Turkey in 2005 after human contact with sick dead swans. Several other countries in the same cases appeared in 2006.

For more information on avian influenza or bird flu prevention to read this page

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