Attention to the symptoms of AIDS

You need to know what the HIV virus and Aids disease. I will try important issues of the disease AIDS, in particular some of its symptoms or characteristic that you should be careful. AIDS disease is generally of HIV or human immunodeficiency virus HIV is caused mainly present in body fluids. § fluid potentially containing the HIV virus are blood, semen, vaginal fluid and breast milk. As the liquid is transferred, without any possibility for the HIV virus, a liquidSweat, saliva, tears, etc. Before HIV turned into AIDS, the patient will be fine in about 5 to 10 years. § § Even though it looks healthy, which can transmit HIV to others through unprotected sex, blood transfusions or the use of needles in order. Most people infected with AIDS through the following: • Sex with an infected person • sharing needles with infected mothers • People who are born infected, or drinking the breast milk of infected mothers • Get aTransfusion of infected blood is one way, once infected, but blood supply is very tight now filters so the risk is very low. • It's never been shown that HIV can be transmitted through saliva or tears, but the people can be infected through oral sex or, in extremely rare cases, with a deep kiss, especially if you have open sores in the mouth or experience bleeding gums. The clinical symptoms of AIDS, a person who does not provide HIV in the early onset is usually influencedsigns and symptoms, a fever, but only 3 to 6 weeks depending on the immune system when he was in contact with HIV patients. Once conditions improved, people infected with HIV remain healthy for several years and gradually decreased immunity of the body fall / weak from relapsing fever patients. One way to be sure, is to undergo HIV-antibody test, especially when a person feels the pursuit of activities that are at risk of infection with HIV. The signs andsymptoms seen in AIDS patients was as follows: 1 Airways. Patients in respiratory distress, respiratory arrest for a moment, coughing, chest pain and fever, dark or other viral infections (pneumonia). Not infrequently the diagnosis is in the early stages of HIV disease, AIDS suspected tuberculosis. 2. digestive tract. AIDS patients showed signs and symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, often a fungal disease in the oral cavity and esophagus, asand chronic diarhea. AIDS has a wide range of clinical picture. In the beginning, soon, there are symptoms like the flu. Patients who feel tired and renewed without causing reduction in lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, groin swollen for months, the appetite or loss of persistent fever reached 39 degrees Celsius, night sweats, diarrhea, unexplained weight loss, sores on blacks skin or mucous membranes, which can be cured with prolonged cough and throat, a little 'Bruising or bleeding without cause. The symptoms at the beginning is often regarded as AIDS Related Complex (ARC). In the unlikely event of this disease is increasing and others have developed a serious illness such as pneumonia, the thrush, cytomegalovirus or herpes esophagus, sarcoma, a malignant tumor of blood vessels. In general, the symptoms of AIDS in the major and minor symptoms The main symptoms are divided: - weight loss of more than 10% within 1 month - chronic diarrhea for more than one month - more than fever1 month - impaired consciousness and neurological - dementia HIV / encephalopathy minor symptoms - cough resolved over 1 months - dermatitis, generalized - Presence of herpes zoster and recurrent zostermultisegmental - Kandidias oropharyngeal - Herpes simplex chronic progressive - generalized lymphadenopathy - Plaintiffs infections fungal genital a woman - CMV retinitis So let attention especially symptoms

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