Swine H1N1 Flu Facts Part 1 - Dissemination and prevention

If you prefer to call it influenza A (H1N1), swine influenza, swine flu, or perhaps you have a question about the risks for you and your family, their prevention and treatment. The questions and answers will probably change over the next few weeks as a few countries, the health authorities to find out more about the different strains of influenza virus H1N1 many of those affected. This is the first of a three-part series of facts to answer your questions and H1N1lead to credible resources.

How H1N1 swine influenza?

The incubation period (time between exposure and onset of symptoms) is still uncertain, but appears to be 3-4 days.

All the influences are spread through droplets that spray as a person coughs or sneezes. You can catch the flu or H1N1 swine influenza virus if:

If you're standing within three feet of a cough or sneeze discovered, and drops in contact with you or when they inhale.

The land drops on hard surfaces, such as a desk or keyboard. Even after the droplets dry, a flu virus could live for an hour. You can use the virus by touching an infected surface and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth to catch.

Otherwise you can give someone the flu by touching their eyes, nose or mouth when the virus on their hands.

Someone coughs or sneezes, blows his nose into a handkerchief, and wet tissue in contact with tears in your hand or tissueand the contents by hand contact. If you are in contact with hard surfaces or shake hands before washing your hands, then they could land a very common virus. Flu virus can spread by people or dealing with a handkerchief contaminated, and then press.

An infected person touches his eyes, nose or mouth and then touches other surfaces, objects or people before washing hands.

This is not the same people virus of swine influenza have been immunized against 1970.Is there a vaccine for swine influenza A H1N1 virus 2009 in development, but also with fast-moving, it takes months before it is trial.Swine human influenza H1N1 has spread from pigs not ready and you can not take the 'swine flu H1N1 from eating pork, or drugs derived from pigs (porcine).

Preventing the spread of H1N1 swine

According to the CDC, the proper hand washing is the most effective means to prevent the spreadthe disease.

alcohol-based disinfectants are considered effective.

Use disposable tissues, wash hands after use.

Cough into your elbow or shoulder, if you do not have a tissue.

preventive treatments (such as Tamiflu) are not for healthy people, as this could lead to the recommended resistance. Only seek treatment if you have symptoms.

People with flu - like symptoms should avoid public places. If your child has closed schoolPlace your child in group settings such as day care centers.

If there are cases in your area, the exposure is confirmed by avoiding public places and clean your hands often, and while out on the way home.

An infected person is contagious about one day earlier, these symptoms are so follow the guidelines of proper hand washing or alcohol hand sanitizer often based influence to prevent the spread accidentally.

The infectious takes about 7 days after onset of symptomsStart, children and probably more.

Links to frequently updated information swine flu H1N1

Visit the website of your state health department for information on local centers H1N1.The for Disease Control (CDC) site contains the official part of H1N1 swine influenza H1N1 numerous articles on the history, prevention and treatment for laymen and medical professionals. The World Health Organisation (WHO) web site is frequently updated with detailsinternational implications of swine influenza H1N1.

A website of the Government of the United States, the CDC, the World Health Organization and link state information.
http://blogs.state.gov/index.php/entries/travel_alert_swine_ influence /

Dipnot, the official blog of the UP State Department's latest travel warnings.

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