What is the confusion about the swine flu?

There are numerous reports of a new flu virus that has been given the opportunity to be flat to a pandemic throughout the world. We have already confirmed human cases of an emerging new "swine flu" strain of flu, I have been reported in Mexico, Canada, Spain, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America, to name a few. There are also reports of cases in the United Kingdom and an unconfirmed report in Cape Town. Swine Fever is the latest buzz word aroundEditors at this time.

its simplest form the flu virus most recent Came in from a pig that the tribes have both got a flu and influenza animal and who combined and mutated into a brand new third strain, which is now forever known as swine flu. World Organization Health has a six-step scenario for the different phases of a pandemic. The first phase is an animal virus is not transmissible to humans. The second phase is a knownAnimal viruses, which caused an infection with a human being. current epidemic of swine influenza virus infection by new people, came from Mexico, cough and sore throat symptoms in humans similar to that obtained with seasonal influenza normal man. Symptoms include fever, tiredness, loss of appetite . Some people with swine influenza have also reported vomiting and diarrhea.

Phase 3 is the same level, avian influenza has been reached on what, ifwas an outbreak. Phase 3 is an animal or a mutation of a virus of animal-human disease has caused sporadic cases or small groups of people. The current status of swine flu is phase 4, which means that the swine flu has now advancing human to human transfer. This is one created from human to human transmission of the virus from a strain of virus of animal origin. There is a possibility that there is a danger of a pandemic, but does not necessarily mean that aPandemic is a foregone conclusion.

Pandemic flu differs from ordinary seasonal flu, which most people, but it is a self-limiting and not life-threatening diseases unpleasant. Pandemic flu can occur when a new influenza virus emerges, such as the ' swine flu, which is much different than regular circulating strains that people have little or no immunity. It is infected in the absence of immunity, this virus capable of human and spreads rapidly fromPerson to person.

Currently, tests have shown that the new human H1N1 swine influenza is sensitive and can oseltamavir the antiviral (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) are discussed. The countries have a lot of flu antiviral drugs, the United Kingdom is promoting its stock from 35 million to 50 million. Antiviral drugs are being treat human flu virus changes, which influences the natural host of the original pig.

At the moment there is a seemingly simple remedybut as the pandemic influenza virus has mutated through a series of stages, there is a possibility that could mutate into a strain more electricity would be immune to the antiviral and there's a serious threat to the world. The current status of swine flu is phase 5, when you are done, break into other countries. The swine flu during that race does not appear to be dangerous for society and the human, but would be very different reactionGlobally, we would do if the virus causes certain death as the 1918-1920 Spanish flu that killed his 7-10 people.

In the workplace of the emergency services personnel must first be immunized, that if there is a pandemic, are still able to function and perform their duties. Currently, there are antiviral drugs as a preventive measure, but prevention is cheaper and faster is the use of masks, which we have seen,worn by persons, swine influenza are among those who are infected with. Masks help protect the institution of breathing in infected droplets, or if they are infected, when you sneeze, then people infected in a wider area. The influenza virus can easily travel through a building air-conditioning system.

What to do to prevent infection of swine influenza:

General infection control practices and good hygienic practices between the coughing and sneezing and handsHelp influence the dissemination of all influenza viruses, including human pigs. How to protect yourself before the current outbreak of World Health Organization recommends:

or hold your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. Use a tissue.
Throw dirty tissues promptly and carefully
or is to maintain a good basic hygiene, like washing hands frequently with soap and water, contributing to the spread of the virus. The virus can spreadhands or face or other people
Clean hard surfaces or periodically (eg door handles), often with a normal detergent
o Make sure that your children follow this advice


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