Try these simple tips to ward off colds and flu

and influence can really 'Bring You Down "and set his body on a low. There is not what you can do really cold, the constant streaming nose, watery eyes, and everything is help for him ... or That can you?

Well, this article I will share with you some simple tips to help combat the dreaded cold and flu, follow along with me ....

It 's just an old myth that women chicken soup is called natural penicillin? Does it really help to fight offColds and flu? Apparently, yes, you will see avian influenza has proved beneficial to increase immunity and help and to fight colds. There is a natural amino acid in chicken and will contain a cysteine. What makes it easier to help thin mucus to expel from the body. The best advice is to take the hot and spicy soup with pepper. What happens is that the spices will be a sudden release of watery fluids in the mouth, throat and lungs, which helps thin Trigger'Down the mucus of the airways even more ... makes it easier to cough and distribution.

Next up, inhaling aromatherapy steam room with chamomile, eucalyptus or lavender oils to inhale in boiling water, then steam for about ten minutes. This means you can share your nose so you breathe better.

Help control method with flu-like symptoms with this test. Take 1000 mg vitamin C daily with 10 mg of zinc. Studies have shown that 100 mcgto twice-daily of selenium, zinc helps improve the immune system and is particularly useful for the elderly. It 'probably the work of the virus by protecting against damaging free radicals produced as a result of influence.

Some very useful tips that will prove useful to help fight So there you have a cold and influenza.

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