Flu symptoms
The symptoms of influenza or flu usually with fever, chills, muscle aches, muscle aches, headache and fatigue. Other symptoms of flu, which are not noticed initially, dry cough, runny nose and sore throat. Fever is usually the first symptoms of influenza that person a call and can be very high, up to 106 degrees.
The flu symptoms are similar to other illnesses such as colds, butbacterial infections and mononucleosis-like symptoms also. bacterial infections respond well to antibiotics, but antibiotics do not relieve symptoms of influenza or mononucleosis, which are caused by viruses. Some still call to ask their doctors for antibiotics if they have flu symptoms, but doctors usually deny this request because it is believed that bacterial infections have become and are becoming increasinglymore resistant to antibiotics because they were over prescribed and abused in recent decades.
Recommendations for the treatment of symptoms of influenza include extra rest, sufficient fluid and a counter for pain and fever reducer. Over the counter products can be used to relieve nasal congestion, but antihistamines should be avoided as often they are not intended to treat flu symptoms and can, nasal fluids. In addition, youngand children should not give aspirin or aspirin containing over the counter products to treat the symptoms of influenza, because of the risk of developing Reye's syndrome, a serious illness.
Although flu symptoms are usually on their own in 7-10 days, in some cases, immediate medical care to be provided. A temperature of 100.4 or more a child of three months or younger will need to see a doctor. A rectal temperature of 105 or higher in aChildren under the age of four years will require immediate medical attention. An oral temperature of 104 or higher in one of four years or more must be reported to a doctor. If breathing difficulties accompany flu symptoms, then a doctor should be consulted. If your stiff neck, difficulty waking or accompanying symptoms of influenza, a doctor should be consulted confusion.
flu-like symptoms in patients with complications are at high risk for developmentas persons aged 65 years and health problems or other people of all ages have asthma or other respiratory problems in the long term, should be reported to a healthcare professional. Doctors sometimes prescribe anti-viral drugs as soon as flu symptoms appear in these patients at high risk associated. Antiviral drugs are the severity of flu symptoms, shorten the duration of the disease and reduce complications.
For moreInformation about flu, colds a basis for information on how to prevent these diseases seasonal visit www.immune-system-booster-guide.com.
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