Influenza - flu-like symptoms treated at home

Influenza is the most common disease in the United States, which can be prevented by vaccination. But having 5-20% of the population (about 15 to 60,000,000 people) was associated with this potentially fatal disease of the airways. Every year there are approximately 36.00 deaths associated with influenza.

Serious complications following influenza can occur at any age. But children, people older than 65 years, and those with chronic diseases with the highest risk. Symptomsinfluenza are fever, headache, tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy and muscle aches. These symptoms usually occur suddenly, and stakeholders to report feeling as if they were "struck by a truck." Even if the symptoms are similar to a normal cold, you gradually develop a couple of days and are not as intense as the symptoms of flu.

The virus multiplies in the lungs and spreads from person to person through dropletsby coughing and sneezing. It is therefore very important to cover your mouth (preferably with his sleeve, not your hand) when coughing or sneezing. Hand washing is also essential to prevent the spread of the virus.

What if the virus attacks?

Two of the most important things you can do for themselves or family members if they get the flu is to rest and drink plenty of clear liquids. hot tea with honey and lemon for older children and adults,like chicken soup is homemade (the best, but canned food) will help thin secretions. Scientists have confirmed what mothers and grandmothers knew all along: chicken soup helps with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, loosening mucus. Therefore, every day, a daily dose of chicken soup during the illness will help you feel better and may speed recovery. If you are vegetarian, vegetable stock or hot tea with honey will do.

Do not be afraid of fever. Fever simply means that the bodyAttempt to ward off infection. Since it stimulates the immune system, reduce fever may not necessarily be an advantage. General rules of thumb that I use when advising patients on treatment of fever:

If the fever is below 102 and the patient is well, I suggest that fluids and cold compresses to the neck, armpits and groin. The skin in these areas is thinner than elsewhere and blood vessels are closer to the surface. Cool compresses will help to cool the blood,then fever. But do not let the person tremble as fever chills, which is caused by the contraction of muscles, increases body temperature.

If the fever is 102 or higher, or causes of fever, malaise, I recommend acetaminophen (eg Tylenol) or ibuprofen (eg Motrin or Advil) in addition to fluids, rest and compresses.

viral diseases such as influenza, can cause fever lasting 3-4 days. At any time, the fever lasts for three days, orcan not be controlled with a fever reducing medication like acetaminophen or Motrin, you should seek evaluation of health care provider.

Most people recover influenza in about 1-2 weeks. However, the influence, a significant number of people infected will develop complications such as ear or sinus infection, pneumonia or encephalitis. Furthermore, asthma may worsen chronic diseases influence as heart disease or COPD. Furthermore, there was a significant fatiguethat accompanies the flu can last for 3-4 weeks.

One of the most effective ways to avoid getting sick with the flu vaccine. Children aged 6 months or older, adults over 65 years, people with chronic diseases, particularly those affecting the respiratory and cardiovascular system should be vaccinated against influenza each year

If the flu strikes, the following will help to improve:

Warm clear fluids (no milkbecause the mucus and symptoms worsened fatter)
loosens Chicken Soup (mucus)
Expectorant (ie, Robitussin, Mucinex) *
Fever reducing agent (such as Tylenol, Motrin or Advil) *
Saline nose drops (relieve)
antiviral drugs prescribed by your doctor
Perhaps antibiotics

* Contact your healthcare provider for instructions safety dosing for children

Why do I need to get flu vaccine every year,?

The influenza virusis very adaptable and constantly evolving. different strains of virus may be, or simply change their genes, leading to the emergence of new flu strains. The influenza vaccine is available, we each fall is the result of scientific predictions on what will be the predominant strain of influenza in the coming season. Since it is not always accurate prediction, the vaccine available is not necessarily 100% effective if the forecast is out for the season to be inaccurate. Moreover, since theVirus has the ability to quickly change from season to season, the flu vaccine, which will be available to us year probably would not be effective in the next influenza season. We should be vaccinated against influenza in the autumn.


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