Rectal Bleeding - Causes and Symptoms

You can see that you have some rectal bleeding, and can get through this abnormal symptom worry. In most cases, rectal bleeding is not serious and is in fact a common occurrence that can be corrected. In certain cases, rectal bleeding, his grave if he signs of a malignant condition. Talking to your doctor it is a good idea.

Rectal bleeding is also known as hematochezia, and it plays to the passage of bright red blood orred-brown colored blood, with or without clots, from the rectum. If your rectal bleeding, low grade and confined itself, you will probably not require hospitalization or urgent measures. Some are more serious.

Severe cases may in two cases. If you suffer a severe rectal bleeding and severe experience the loss of blood volume, and especially there, where anemia is indicated, you need a hospital stay. Or if you seriously ill because of some other conditions, andStart to develop
rectal bleeding. In these two situations would you need immediate medical attention.

The symptoms of rectal bleeding or hematochezia are obvious enough. You can see toilet paper after wiping his red striped with blood or with reddish spots. Or it can really fresh red blood oozing from the rectum. But it is not so easy to distinguish the cause, whether it is something benign or malignant.

Causes of rectal bleeding can be many. Tearsin the rectal lining of the rectum, tearing or infections can cause hematochezia. Hemorrhoids are a common cause, when breaking the swollen veins. Have polyps, the lumps of tissue bulging out of the rectal lining, can also be subjected to hemorrhage. So is cancer. The diagnosis is therefore recommended to enable the early detection of colorectal cancer may be possible.

Age is an important risk factor for colon cancer. Polyps in the family history and Colitiscolitis was that it increased in each of more than ten years, to a significant degree the risk of colon cancer. The doctor will look for other signs to confirm such as anemia and sudden weight gain, loss, and the other observations.

However, if you experience rectal bleeding with anal symptoms such as pain and itching, change in bowel habits, the chances of bleeding are malignancies with less. You are likely to seeSymptoms such as blood in the toilet paper in anorectal causes.

Cases of bleeding ulcers is a doctor urgently, as massive rectal bleeding will be referenced. If your bleeding is caused by polyps, your doctor may recommend that you remove them. Alternatively, if removal is not done, you should watch your diet does not reduce inflammation effects. If hemorrhoids are the likely cause of rectal bleeding, then on their inclusion more fiber in yourDiet.

Unfortunately, only a small proportion of patients seeking medical help for their rectal bleeding. Most people are too shy to let know their physician. To find out if your rectal bleeding is serious or not, you really should see a doctor. During your visit to ensure that you provide all the information on drugs and herbal medicines, have taken you to. Such details are in determining what may be the cause of rectal bleeding important.

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