How Constipation Creates Colon Cancer

In 1911, Dr. Alexis Carrel received the Nobel Prize for growing live tissue cells. He discovered that the removal of their waste could stomach every day, these cells live indefinitely. If he did not take their waste for three days they become weak and unhealthy.

This simple experiment showed that, regardless of waste we create, whether it is in our lymph fluid, our blood, or be removed in the colon daily needs when we have good health.

With regard to colonWaste, we should be consistent with a bowel movement every day at every meal we eat. Most of us have only one or none each day. Many doctors say it is ok if only one bowel movement every two days. Yes, it's okay if you want to create colon cancer.

Studies have shown that if you have a bowel movement every 3 to 4 days, you are at higher risk for a heart attack, colon cancer, hemorrhoids, IBS, and many other diseases.

As in 1911, Dr. Alexis showed cells become weakand die if they remain in their own metabolic waste products for longer than three days or longer. This is exactly the condition called constipation.

Faeces that remains stagnant in the colon leads to bacteria, creating the intestinal wall irritation and inflammation. This can then lead to cancer.

And another thing, if you continue to suffer from constipation, then the bacteria and toxic waste tend to the small intestine, where they can slip into your bloodStream. It is a cause of these pollutants over the body damage and excess inflammation.

So you can ensure that your mud is not stagnant in your colon and produces cancer.

Only by increasing the amount of fiber you eat each day from 3 / 4 ounces, you can dramatically alter your risk of colon cancer and many other colon diseases. If you're like most people, you eat only 1 / 4 ounces fiber. In grams, youexpected to be 8 grams of food. Raise the amount of fiber you eat by 20 grams to 28 grams and reduce your likelihood of colon cancer.

Here's what makes fiber in your colon:

* Increase the size of your stools

* Feed your good bacteria and keeps them healthy and abundant

* Traps carcinogens, so they do not collect on your intestinal wall

* The amount of bile salts, which are modified by carcinogens by bad bacteria

* If one pHslightly acidic and in favor of the good bacteria

* Reduces the stagnation of feces in the colon - reduces clogging

* Traps water so stools are not hard

Here is how fiber works. By keeping your stools large, they move faster in your colon and have no carcinogens in contact with your bowel wall to remain very long.

Large fiber stools brush along the colon walls keeping them clean and causing the nerves to activate peristaltic Action.

Fiber provides food for the good bacteria and makes them stronger than the bad bacteria. This reduces the carcinogenic of services by the bad bacteria. When the good bacteria exceed the bad bacteria, the colon is slightly acidic pH and that makes your colon better - less congestion and more nerve-cell sensitivity

If your chair has more water, they are soft and easy to move through the intestine. Hard stools are hard by the move> Colon. Since the colon absorbs water from the stool to make it into the blood back into circulation, less toxic material pull faecal bulk, if it has a lot of water.

Add 3 / 4 ounce fiber to your daily diet and avoid the misery and devastation cancer brings you and your family.

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