Consumption of meat leads to colon cancer

Cancer is caused by exposure to a certain viruses, chemicals or natural substances or radiation. Research studies show that intestinal polyps or a high intake of meat can cause colon cancer but there are some studies that show that a high intake of meat a lower risk of colon cancer. A severe form of cancer after lung cancer is colon cancer. Many people were certain symptoms of this type ofCancer, but do not recognize them until they go to a doctor.

You can feel unexplained abdominal pain or fatigue, there may be a weight loss or weakness, or you can have an unexplained anemia. These symptoms can have other causes, but if you're a doctor, he will know what is going wrong ii he orders you to test x-rays.

Many studies show that people aged between 50 and 74 that are meat-host disease, the age, a higher risk of developing colon cancer than those receivingVitamins or eat very little meat. There is a link between cancer and meat. It was found in the laboratory, read contains the meat as a blood pigment heme iron, causing colon cancer tumors.

There are studies showing that fiber intake may protect against colon cancer. Another way to prevent colon cancer is that you can eat a low fat diet with fruits and vegetables, the intake of vitamin D, calcium, vitamin E orYou can reduce physical activity the risk of colon cancer.

To prevent colon cancer, you should check your lower intestine with fiber-optic scope, even if you do not have symptoms of colon cancer and you should test earlier than those 50 years old.

It was noted that two natural compounds in onions, curry and may lower risk of colon cancer. These two compounds are used as quercetin andCurcumin. If a person with cancer eat curry or onions, the number of polyps dropped by 60 percent and in this way you can reduce the risk of colon cancer.

In most cases of colon cancer, it is important to know the stage of the disease, so that you know how to choose your treatment. If you are not the risk of colon cancer through diet or taking vitamins and finally you get low a tumor, is the only way to remove it bySurgery. Surgery is the removal of part of the colon that contains the tumor and recovered segments if it is possible.

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