Colon Cancer Tests

Faecal occult blood test (FOBT)

These laboratory kits cost about $ 10 and they are the most common cancer screening tests, although their effectiveness into question. This test involves taking samples from two different parts of your chair for three days, and the distribution of the samples for testing paper. A recent study showed a 33 percent reduction in mortality (an average-risk persons) of colorectal cancer in the group with aannual FOBT test. Some of these risk reduction could be due to colonoscopies were performed because of false-positive FOBT results. If you opt for a FOBT as part of annual physical examination, there are a few things you might want to know:

Of all the various FOBT tests are available, HemeSelect (an immunological test) has been shown to perform better than the others.
The test is more accurate (to avoid false-negative and false-positive test results) if they containof aspirin and eating certain foods (red meat, some raw fruits and vegetables, and vitamin C) supplements. Make sure you ask your doctor whether there is something eating guidelines he / she wants you to be followed before taking the samples.
There may miss a cancer, which was not bleeding at the time, or can pick it up bleeding for which no source could be found.

Flexible sigmoidoscopy

This test is done with a flexible fiber-optic probe (sigmoidoscope) that the viewsLining of the rectum and the last two feet of colon looking for polyps. This test usually requires no sedation and costs about $ 150. The disadvantage is that the area has examined the scope of the colon typically only half of the possible polyps. Some physicians tend to assign only the verification of a breast during a mammogram. The other downside is that if a polyp is found, you are free to come back another time for a follow-up colonoscopy. This is around theentire large intestine with an endoscope more and remove the polyp in the previous sigmoidoscopy seen. This test is not for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, as recommended about two thirds of the lesions in these cases to develop in the upper part of the colon not reached by the sigmoidoscope.


This is a tricky test for high-risk individuals or recommended if the other tests (FOBT, sigmoidoscopy orBarium enema) results are positive. This test is necessary to remove the colon believes biopsy sections, and all early-stage cancer or precancerous polyps in one step.

The disadvantage of this procedure:

The test is performed in a hospital or a certified endoscopy unit and can be more than $ 550 plus cost of hospital costs.
Patients are usually encouraged to eat a low residue or clear liquid diet for 24 hours before the procedure. You are sedated during the procedure.
There is aOne-in-500 risk of perforation of the bowel during the procedure.
Aspirin and NSAIDs should be stopped one week before, due to the possibility of bleeding during the procedure.
Abdominal cramps may occur during and after surgery.
Colonoscopy is not recommended for those with fulminant colitis, the last colectomy, known or suspected perforation, unstable cardiovascular condition, or coagulopathy.

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