What causes avian influenza and avian influenza

The bird flu that has hit the birds and humans in Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, is different from the flu that many people get during the cold months. Poultry - including chickens and turkeys - tend to avian influenza by migratory waterfowl (like ducks, geese, and swans) infected, and spread to other birds through their infected feces, saliva or mucus. Avian influenza is flu infection in birds. The disease is a concern of people who have no immunityagainst them. The virus that causes infection in birds mutate (change) easily infect humans. such mutations can be a deadly worldwide epidemic. Influenza A, B and C. Type A is responsible for the deadly flu pandemic - Bird flu causes ABC influenza virus Influenza viruses are classified into three types (strains) divided by the virus. Type B can lead to smaller, local epidemics. Less common and more stable than other strains, type C is milder symptoms. OTypes A or B, the flu that circulates almost every winter. Farmers and others involved with the poultry, as well as travelers to affected countries, a higher risk of getting bird flu. Managing an infected bird can cause infection. People who eat chicken raw or poorly are at increased risk of avian influenza. Highly contagious bird flu virus, H5N1, as has been shown to survive in the environment for long periods, and the infection cansimply spread by touching contaminated surfaces. The birds that can recover the flu, the virus remains in their faeces and saliva for as long as 10 days to shed. Symptoms The incubation period is 1-4 days with an average of about 48 h. In mild cases, many symptoms such as a cold (eg, sore throat, runny nose) are mild conjunctivitis may also occur. Typical influenza in adults is characterized by sudden onset of chills, fever, fatigue, cough andgeneralized pain (especially in the back and legs). viral pneumonia, acute respiratory distress - the most common cause of bird deaths from influenza flu symptoms make you feel unhappy. More information about the main symptoms of influenza, so you treat them early. Also know when to call the doctor for flu symptoms. treatment of avian influenza, it is possible that the antiviral drugs are used to treat other types of flu may have effects in the treatment of avian influenza in humans. Currently there are noVaccine to prevent avian influenza in humans. Scientists are working to develop a vaccine to work, but it is difficult because the virus mutates frequently (changes). The most important drug in treating bird flu Tamiflu. The drug of choice for an outbreak of bird flu Tamiflu. Tamiflu availability of stocks of governments in the possibility of an avian flu pandemic. For now, remains the primary treatment option for the treatment of influenza drug oseltamivir (Tamiflu), which works by preventingthe virus to multiply. It is not clear to show how effective Tamiflu against H5N1. Another antiviral flu drug zanamivir (Relenza), can be an alternative. However, viral resistance to these drugs.

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