The facts on the swine flu - is now necessary to know

If they say the H1N1 virus as bad as everyone?

What are the facts on the swine fever that we can use to protect myself and my family?

These questions are down to earth, ordinary people like us must be answered. The facts on the swine flu, not the hype would be useful in order to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

How bad it is?

I quote the CDC, "15 April 2009 to July 24, 2009, states reported a total of 43,771 confirmed andprobable cases of influenza A (H1N1) infection. Of these reported cases, 5011 patients in hospital and 302 people were killed. "

I did not want to write about statistics, there are many on the web. I mention only to point out the facts about H1N1, and how serious a threat to the general population.

Look at the facts about swine flu, which we use to arm you can concentrate on minimizing their impact on us and our families.Swine influenza is a virus, the same prevention measures and common sense used for other diseases, particularly of seasonal flu are just as effective against influenza virus.

For example:

The simple act of washing hands is in itself a major obstacle to the spread of contracting influenza or fever. Our hands in contact with many everyday objects from other people come. Door handles, keyboards, sink, telephone and hands of other people, all vehicles, and can transfer the germsVirus. We can keep these requirements to a minimum by washing your hands regularly with soap and water or an alcohol-based disinfectant.

Use disposable tissues when coughing or coughing into your elbow or shoulder, if you do not have a tissue. Of course, avoid as far as possible that cough in public without the use of common sense.

If there are cases to be confirmed in your town, limit public exposure as much as possible and be sure to clean yourHands often and especially when on the way home. If the school is closed, prevent your kids to kindergarten or group settings.

If you think you may have flu-like symptoms, contact to stay at home. This is your responsibility to the community. The infectious need to start about seven days after onset of symptoms. It is worth noting that you are actually capture at least one day before symptoms manifest. If symptoms persist or appear unusual, you should see a doctor forThe board of medical experts.

Touch your nose to the mouth or eyes, as far as possible. These are the most common entry points for viruses. Although swine influenza is in the air, mostly by hand, it is distributed, the contact surface.

These are just some of the facts on the swine flu you need to know to protect yourself and your loved ones. By all means take the time to overcome this and other possible ways to educate, so that the impact of this pandemic on you andDoes your family to a minimum.

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