Swine Flu - Learn the essential characteristics that

He won `t one person is not aware of 'swine flu' is the term now. With the way it is spread all over the world, everyone is careful to understand the disease and fall prey to its adverse effects. While there is almost everything we do, to keep the disease at bay, it makes sense to learn some important things about them. Swine influenza is caused by pigs. But no, of pigs in the yard is not the dreaded disease, and if you do not kiss or a caress. There is a possibilityinfected by you, if the pig has the virus, but usually it takes a lot more to get the dreaded disease.

Our immune system is fascinating:

There must be enough time to have been infected with the human flu. It is very dangerous, except for very young children and elderly people who are already living a life of debilitating. Fortunately, nature has given us as an immune system can immediately detect an alien body andrises to the occasion to incapacitate them. But this leads to a mutation of the virus, which groped back to the good fortune again. This time, our immune system a little problem with driving on. This is why vaccines better every time that the long form of the struggle against the virus developed.

As the swine flu work for us?

If there is a mutation in the protein outside of the normal human flu virus, the immune system produces its defense mechanismto fight the virus. During this time we are suffering the effects of the virus, such as fever and colds, and maybe some respiratory diseases. If it happens, so that the body is not capable of challenge by the virus is triggered only to succumb to the virus and have our last breath. In the case of swine flu, our body is not capable of symptoms of the virus, making it more difficult to fight against them visible. The virus has now crossed the bridge and attacked the human racepigs.

You are susceptible to the virus?

It was found that people who have no interaction with the pigs are more susceptible to swine flu. Your immune system has no history of a virus and is less well equipped to fight them. If the virus affects a significant percentage of the population of a place, it will certainly prove to be pandemic. It 'difficult to say exactly the impact of swine influenza virus in a global perspective. As virulent virusdetermines the extent they affect people. Many other factors are also responsible for an epidemic of swine flu pandemic.

The spread of the disease:

The swine flu in the past and they have not spread worldwide pandemic. It would be a whole village or town affected. But with people traveling great distances to stay on the seas and oceans, the influence is not one. The moment a person comes to know that he was infected, hecan be thousands of miles away from his city.


So, what should be done to prevent this terrible disease? First, since we now know that there is a special season, when pigs are affected by, we should quarantine the pigs, and prepares special suits for people who handle them. Basic hygiene is a must with clean hands and clean environment. And again, would have to travel to places where the swine flu is rampant to avoidsome time, until the time of getting the virus away. You can also protect the help of various agencies that can help you, against swine flu. And educate themselves and in shaping a better life for you.

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