Swine influenza virus H1N1 early detection and treatment methods
As the swine flu sweeping our nation and the rest of the world public opinion through the media fed, resulting in people monitoring and early intervention activities on their own, in an attempt to avert a serious illness. You can not blame them for wanting to protect themselves and their families, about one million documented cases in the United States, so many that the CDC has to stop counting. There are two drugs on the market that have shown that effective against the influenza virus> Flu, Tamiflu and Relenza. These drugs must be administered within 2 days after symptom onset (which takes about a week), and the days are shortening the duration of symptoms by about 2 Because early diagnosis is crucial for the effectiveness of these drugs is a rapid detection necessary. Many manufacturers are currently working on versions of a rapid screening test for H1N1 in a few minutes, allowing the opposite of day, as required for conventional viruses.
L 'The problem is that the preliminary results of these types of these tests were poor. It was found that too many false-negative results, there was at least half a regular basis. In other words, the test failed, the conditions for recognizing known swine influenza in the laboratory, a negative test at the doctor's office would therefore not really guarantee that you are not really the flu virus. This is important because patients at highest risk that the drug really needs to be can not betreated due to false negative results.
The bottom line is, at this point we do not have the rapid test the influence of a pig. Plus, seasonal flu and swine flu symptoms are often indistinguishable and similar in duration. These symptoms are fever, headache, cough, sore throat and muscle aches and sometimes diarrhea or vomiting. If respiratory distress, may need to be swine flu. Only two symptoms, but should lastabout a week. However, if you're going to go the symptoms to the doctor to write a prescription for Tamiflu, take the second or the first day to obtain the drug is not usually effective.
Remember that the average fuel paranoia and irrational behavior, use your intuition before making the emergency room or doctor's office. Remember that during the first Gulf War and after 911, when gas masks were snapped up by U.S. army surplus stores? People do not even knowKnowing what kind of chemical warfare agents or nerve gas were trying to protect from, they just feel better about something. For the flu, may be better to take a few days away, a couple of ibuprofen tablets and stay in bed and about your favorite TV programs. Who knows? They could only survive by yourself the influence!
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